
And the Cosby thing came up when it did only because a black male comedian’s commentary on it went viral. The media had ignored the allegations up to that point.

You make it sound like men are innocent victims in all of these when they’re often part of the problem. These men you speak of usually aren’t random victims of violence the way women typically are. They're usually engaging in behavior that leads to violence or incarceration.

He’s so stupid. In those days when people provided for their own retirement and cared for their families, friends and neighbors, life spans were shorter and there were fewer medical options if someone got sick. Families could have taken care of someone suffering from TB. But families today can’t properly care for

Except the purpose was not to provide women with a benefit not offered to men. It was to protect women from men. Men don’t need to be protected from women, so equality shouldn’t apply in these kinds of situations. If women posed a danger to men but men weren’t being provided with safe spaces, that would be an equality

Any man who would oppose safe spaces for women probably has a lot to hide. Sure technically these spaces may be illegal but any decent man would understand why they need to exist and wouldn’t be against them. This isn’t about equality. It’s about safety. Women need to be protected from men. As long as men continue to

If Kesha is lying why do you think Luke continued to work with her? A lawyer sent Luke a letter in early 2006 telling him that Kesha wouldn’t honor her contract because he’d raped her. For more than two years lawyers engaged in negotiations but Luke refused to release Kesha from the contract. This all happened before

Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood is on Rachel Maddow as I write this praising him. She said he's evolved on the issue of abortion and has been a strong ally.

They were worried about Booker’s senate seat going to a Republican, so he didn't have much chance of being picked. Otherwise he would have been a great choice.

I come from a large family and my parents struggled financially. My mother was overwhelmed and exhausted all the time. We mostly raised ourselves. I hope these kids have a lot of relatives to help out or they’ll have a tough time growing up.

Twins will drain the body of more nutrients than a singleton will making that recommended break more necessary.

Slavery is a system where one person owns another and the owned person can’t easily leave. Recording contracts at the very very least come awfully close to slavery or servitude and that’s why lawyers continually make the comparison. Both slavery and servitude are illegal in the US. If a recording contract violates

I think they want to know why they didn't accept a plea deal like the guy who filmed the assault.

Deihim is an Iranian name.

I just saw what this was about on the Young Turks. But yeah religion is such a great excuse to do terrible things and not feel guilty about it. Even worse, it lets evil people claim the moral high ground. And it’s not even the historical stuff you mentioned. It’s causing chaos still.

Hard Candy is a big enough brand they must have known. It’s unlikely they didn’t know but I foresee Cover Girl Paying a settlement regardless of whether they copied or not.

Sorry about that. I don’t know the background on this, so I missed the joke. My hostility toward religion got the best of me.

I beg to differ on inspirational. The teachings of Jesus and his followers have wrecked havoc on the world.

Even if they didn’t copy the design I would assume it’s still a problem. They should have ensured there wasn't a similar logo being used for the same type of product.

She mostly plays her hits on tour which are her worst songs. She never performs her better stuff like Wonderland and Blind live. Sometimes she does The Harold Song and Animal, two of her best songs. I love her but since I don’t care for her hits I don’t have an interest in seeing her live. But she may do some more

I don't think any of those terrorist attacks were carried out by Syrians.