
Gaga’s music these days feels like she’s trying to be the musical child of Bruce Springsteen and Madonna. Yes with a splash of Stevie Nicks. Everything sounds so very height of the 80's.

It’s fine. I mean, it’s a good enough album and I listened to the whole thing all the way through. I might put it on rotation while I’m at work during the day, but it’s definitely not album that moves me deeply or gets me moving (like, say, The Fame Monster).

“Should she go full country or not?”

ahh yes, shes never won an election (other than 2 senate elections), so she must be bad at governance (see: Trump’s ability to campaign, while offering nothing of substance). She’s also never held a position of authority (disregarding, again, her senate position, as well as her time served as secretary of state), so

Obama also had experience in the Illinois assembly. Many presidents have had no federal level experience (W, Clinton are two that come to mind) so federal experience has not ever been a requirement on the part of electors. And I have a friend who believes that a senator or congressman who wants to be president needs

Which is more than Trump has. This election is the most qualified candidate in history running against the least, and somehow there’s more questions.

Solid red state. An elderly woman drives a Prius and has all the great democratic bumper stickers. Once a week, I frequently see on facebook somebody posting a picture of her car and mocking her. I really hope nobody tries to run her off the road, hit her, or even shoot at her for voicing her opinion. But alas, she

No, that is not why we have a republican congress and senate. Gerrymandering and low turnout among democratic voting blocks during the midterms are two big reasons we have a republican house and senate. Even with the low turnout more votes were cast for democrats in the midterms than for republicans. Until the latest

My issue isn’t that people want to vote third party, personally. My issue, as supported by Oliver, is that you can’t romanticize those options just because the two major candidates are unappealing. We aren’t talking about Clinton vs an unviable candidate who is unfit to lead based on current experience. We are talking

They never get involved in anything, yet think that a throwaway protest vote is going to do something. Insanity I tell you.

Interesting note. I live in a solidly Blue State... the weird thing is there is this giant city(along with other large cities) and a Long Island that make it blue. The rest of the state is bumpkin and you might just get run off the road or talked to sternly or threatened by the yokels who are very very very pro trump.


Advance third parties in down-ticket races. Showing up once every four years to crow about the political process is not enough. If you’re (general you) not active in down-ticket races, then it’s time to ask yourself what your actual motives are in complaining.

Jill Stein is not the solution to your issues with Clinton. Get involved with local politics.

This guy once sued newspapers for defamation because they published that he had been diagnosed with aids but lost because he was the source.

So... Republicans just decided to stop vetting people? Zero vetting. Just no more vetting of anyone ever? No vetting the candidates. No vetting their nominee. No vetting “witnesses” defending their nominee. Not even the most basic, bare-minimum of vetting.

Yes, I remember once being seated next to a complete stranger on a flight and deciding “I will marry this creepy circus peanut someday” and then turning to the other complete stranger across the aisle and telling them. Happens all the time actually.

Ironclad!! This is the “major” announcement that Trump and Pence said they had...a pimp of teenage boys who has an insatiable need for attention and “fame”.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, this is how Trump would react to the aliens:

“When the space aliens send their little green men over, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending Spock. They’re not sending Yoda. They’re sending space aliens that have a lot of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing abductions. They’re bringing anal probes. They’re

The future Mrs. Trump.