
He’s vying for a senior government position in the Trump administration.

So now he’s basically admitted that everything he’s done and is continuing to do is for the purposes of being an asshole, right? That’s the correct reading here yeah?

Yeah, someone who would leak someone’s medical records just to embarrass & violate them totally doesn’t sound like someone capable of rape.

I feel for her so much. This petulant nonsense just will not be done with already!

Is Dr. Luke a fucking sociopath?

Does the NRA advocate that women carry guns to defend themselves from sexual predators whom they endorse for President?

To be fair, Mark Kirk pulled his endorsement in June when he attacked Judge Curiel.

“I’m sorry you thought eating that person’s brain was gross. Hannibal Lecter has done way worse.”

He didn’t apologize because his behavior was wrong. He apologized for causing offense. Big difference - this puts the onus on those of us who find it offensive. Besides, he claims that Bill Clinton does it.

I note the masterful performance by Zucker. Like she is in full-on professional actress/hot lady mode and just does not even flinch at men being gross to her apropos of nothing; she’s all business with a perfect smile, “here let me walk in the middle of you because no homo”, “sure I’ll date both of you disgusting

I want one of the older, white Rust Belt dudes he’s been after to ask about his Chinese steel purchases. Up on the Iron Range of MN, those voters are LIVID since this came out.

Fuck this man.

“I’m getting a lot of credit because this was my so-called first choice, that was my first hire as we would say.”

I’m not saying that his erratic behavior and regular sniffles are due to cocaine; I’m just saying that someone should look into it.

Reminds me of those reports of ISIS essentially being on some kinda meth all the time (super aggro, no fear)

Except she doesn’t really have any raisins. The only public official who tells fewer lies than her is Obama. We have all read, what, a decade of her email and we have nothing to show for it. She was a fucking girl scout. Trump’s muffin is one big fucking raisin. I think we can be pretty confident what he will do if we

I can kind of understand this. The for-profit medicine machine in the US (assuming you’re US based) is sort of scary! Obviously vaccines and fluoride are proven safe and good, but once you start hearing about the handful people in medicine that are basically monsters who want to profit off the ill, I can see how a

go fuck yourself

Her vote in favor of the Iraq war is a black mark, but to her credit, she has explained her thinking rather than trying to rewrite that history.

The gentleman in question may be given control over nuclear weapons in a couple months. His temperament under stress is an issue. So, survival of civilization vs. one woman’s right to privacy. You comfortable with giving the right to privacy greater weight?