
Despite that Bangladesh is more secular and more tolerant than most other Muslim countries. Most people there don’t want Sharia Law.

You sadly always have to be obsequious with security people and police. They’re often looking for any excuse to attack. I have an autistic nephew and it scares me to think what could happen to him if he were to have a run in with the police. He has already been attacked by a teacher who didn't have the necessary

I mainly know her from her break up with Calvin Harris. The fallout from that break up was more interesting than his break up with Taylor Swift.

There were other reasons not to believe him. He didn’t look like he was injured in his mugshot and a third party is also saying he made up the story. Yes the police often do mistreat white people and lie about it. But this isn’t one of those cases.

Lawyers often complain about a lack of media attention when the victim in a police shooting is white or Latino. Those incidents rarely get the kind of coverage black victims get. A lack of media attention makes it’s harder to get justice or adequate compensation if the media isn’t interested in the story. So this

The mother seems like a horrible person. Regardless of what happened to her son, attacking the reporters and using racial slurs was in no way justified. Grieving families in high profile situations often have to deal with unwanted media attention but few engage in this kind of behavior.

She did music before she did modeling.

I know a conservative Muslim who’s planning to vote for Trump and he couldn’t provide any sensible explanation why. Trump is dumb but his supporters are dumber.

I don’t think there are enough dumb people in America for Trump to win. I hope I won't be proven wrong.

This should be a simple thing to understand. We can’t defeat ISIS without Muslim allies. If Trump’s hostility toward Muslims damages those relationships, then what happens? Will American ground forces have to be deployed in Syria? If that happens ISIS will get a surge in new members and we’ll all be worse off.

The documentary helped me understand what's behind male violence. Feminists always say patriarchal cultures are as bad for men as they are for women. There's a part where men who are serving life sentences for murder explained how their upbringings were responsible for them being where they are and how they're now

It’s the lawyer’s job to get their client off or at least minimize the sentence. It’s important they do their job well because this guy could claim at a future point that he didn't get adequate legal representation and the victim would once again have to relive everything. Yes the argument is dumb but it’s not like

This should be required viewing on schools and colleges.

I recently watched the documentary The Mask You Live In and realized it’s going to be very difficult to solve these problems. It could take a couple of generations to make a big dent in the problem.

Both Clinton and Trump are neck and neck in unfavorability ratings, so how can you say negative coverage hasn’t effected him? And I hope you don’t think Trump is a better speaker than Clinton. He can barely form a coherent sentence and rarely explains how we would solve all the problems he keeps bring up.

Hillary is a centrist but she’s liberal on social issues. Even if she leans a bit right on foreign policy and terrorism she’ll still be to the left of Trump.

That was my first thought when I read that as well. I may be confusing him with someone else but wasnt Winston also accused of sexual assaulting a man?

I just hope he goes to jail for something. People died in Colorado because of what he did.

Unfortunately that’s a lot of people as the ridiculous restroom debate has shown.

Nope. The case against Nate Parker was really strong as well but he still got away with it. And he’s now enjoying a movie career despite the terrible things he did to his victim. Turner is going to pay a much heavier price than Parker will. Men of all races are getting away with rape.