
What I find a lot is that people bring up race when it often isn’t an issue. It undermines real problems when people cry racism or sexism in situations where it’s easily refuted. Like when people ignorantly claim all mass shooters are white guys when many of them aren’t. It makes liberals look like idiots when they do

Only 3% of rapists will spend time in jail. So most black, Hispanic and Asian guys get away with it as well. It's astounding that people are turning this into a race thing after the Jameis Winston debacle.

I think few people support banning all guns. What most people want are more regulations. Sure that would mean banning certain types of guns but most people who wants a gun for hunting or protection could still get them. It would also mean preventing certain kinds of people from getting guns or confiscating them from

Society is more worried about rare false accusations against men than they are about the widespread beating, raping and killing of women.

Crime overall is down. But mass shootings are increasing.

I'm sure a lot of that 49% have other victims. They either weren't reported before or they committed their crimes in another jurisdiction.

It’s definitely about class. No one worries about the future prospects of poor people whether they’re white or black. But if it’s a kid from an upper class background, whether they’re white or black, holding them accountable for what’s written off as a momentary lapse of judgment is seen as needlessly harsh because

Women’s soccer earns more revenue than men’s. So women should at the very least earn the same salary.

From what I understand, women’s soccer in the US brings in far more money than men’s. Odds are high that the US women’s team will win the Olympics. The men’s team definitely won’t. It’s really hard to see why the men’s team is making so much more money when financially they aren’t as valuable.

Celebs are paying for highly trained security people who go through background checks. People who speak out against gun violence aren’t necessarily against guns. They’re opposed to the fact that anyone can easily get a gun even if they’re mentally unstable. People who support gun control believe in mandatory training,

I didnt do CIO and it wasn’t because of the stigma. It was because there’s a history of mental illness in my family and i feared something like CIO may be bad for at risk babies. My eldest daughter was born premature and low birth weight. She suffers from anxiety and panic attacks which have thankfully improved in the

You really can’t fake text messages in a legal case because as you say yourself there are people who have the expertise to find text messages even years after they were deleted.

If they are real, there are experts who can find them even if they were deleted from both devices. Text messages can be found even years later.

Whether you’re disadvantaged or not is determined largely by your economic class. Being white and male won’t help much if you’re born poor and get a lousy education. Being black and female won’t hinder someone too much if they’re born into an upper class family. We need to stop labeling groups as privileged or

Very few white men get to make any rules or run anything. Very few white males enjoy any privilege. White males get frustrated when they’re told how great they have it when many feel economically insecure. The problem is that some of these frustrated white males blame women and minorities for their problems rather

If you look at how events played out Heard was clearly trying to do this as quietly as possible. It was only when there was a smear campaign against her that she went to court for the TRO, I would assume based on advice from her lawyer when it was obvious things would get ugly. There was a blind item months ago about

Apparently Heard wanted to settle things quietly but had to change course when Depp’s side started a smear campaign in the media. Now it seems they’re using her attempt at keeping this from becoming a damaging media story against her. Well played evil PR people.

Just because your husband knows this guy to be nice and quiet doesn’t mean he wasn’t violent behind closed doors. My dad was also a very nice, sweet and helpful guy publicly. But he was very different at home. My mom was also a mess though. It sounds like your husband’s friend and his ex-wife abused each other.

It’s not plausible at all considering she has video, photo and witness evidence. It’s unlikely she’s been plotting for months to fake domestic violence that serves no purpose since there’s no prenup and the allegation could get her blacklisted. A more likely scenario is that both were aggressive but she was the only

Amber claims Johnny did a baseball like pitch and threw the iPhone at her face. He could have been 20 feet away and still hit her. So the distance doesn’t necessarily undermine what she claims happened. But it’s possible they both were probably aggressive with each other.