
This game lasted 24 hours and 23 minutes in dog years.


“I’m so fucking sick of this shit.”

If you don’t already like Marvel’s offerings, this movie isn’t going to change your mind. But this movie wasn’t really made for that crowd, anyway, so that’s not surprising.

Yeah but I’d bet he wouldn’t say it about a dirt-poor white kid from the sticks.

But it is a solution at least.

Or better yet, donate to the 3 historically black churches that were recently burned down in the US...

yes it’s an important building with a lot of history behind it, and I don’t have anything against restoring it or rebuilding it or whatever.

I want Kevin Pang to tell us how to make Chinese restaurant food at home. And yes, I know it’s not authentic Chinese food.

When the guy from Boston is dunking on you for being racist, you know you have a problem.

To be fair, if I lived in Utah, I’d be angry too.

I’m with Kate. Cake to my mind is a vehicle to shove delicious tastes-like-diabetes frosting into my facehole when I’m trying to drag my ass through the kind of otherwise-torturous events so often accompanied by cake. Could be an office birthday, a social gathering someone dragooned me into attending, whatever. I want

Just look at these two. There is no way that these two are not having that nastiest sex known to human kind together.



You, a fool: Game Of Thrones will end with the Night King winning and sitting on the Iron Throne, ushering in a realm of frozen zombies ruling Westeros
Me, enlightened: Game Of Thrones will end with Nymeria and her Dog Army winning and sitting on the Iron Throne, ushering in a realm of Good Doggies ruling Westeros.

Because he’s an athlete, 19 years old and in college. He doesn’t owe anyone shit.

His future ex-wife is already sick of it.

If he was 39 then he probably genuinely didn’t care. Statistically, he’s probably already had at least one cohabiting relationship and has heard his fair share of unpleasant bathroom sounds from someone he was sexually attracted to.