
Is 2017 the year Deadspin writes nice articles about the Cardinals or something? I do not like this new Deadspin.

not one mention of Ichiro? Fuck you


This is clock work with Geno. He does this intentionally, what seems like every year leading into the final four . He says something stupid, something he knows will get a ton of attention and deflects pressure away from his team. Geno is an ass, but he’s a brilliant ass and he wins a lot.

Troubling comments no doubt, but to dismiss Geno as an out-of-touch, deluded, sexist asshole for this is foolish. Have you paid attention to almost everything else he’s ever said as UConn’s coach?

Right? You can only eat a horse once, but unlimited sushi is ... unlimited.

Jim Harbaugh And Chip Kelly: Good Dogs.

Thanks for the trigger warning since all of my grandparents are DEAD

Because it’s a joke.

Same for me. But only because I have no retirement savings and will probably work until I drop dead anyway.

Can anybody tell me why NHL players don’t use full facemasks in hockey like the kids do in college?

I mean, what’s the real impediment? Tradition? Does it affect their field of vision really badly? Maybe they don’t want to be called wimps for protecting themselves? Is being a scarred toothless dude so cool anyways?

Well, at least it’s sports related and not another e-sport story.

You’re really burying the lede here, Emma.

I hate having those unexpected ejectulations when reaching first base.

Disagree. After Trump goes to prison, ex-Republican politicians are going to be flocking to us in droves. We need to be selective. Fuck these off-brand turds.

God’s Debris is the first non-Dilbert, non-humor book by best-selling author Scott Adams

I’ll take Short Round over Labeouf anyday.

Temple of Doom is somewhat better than Crystal Skull due to practical effects and better cast. Also, in Crystal Skull, Harrison Ford looks like crap and Shia LeBeouf was stinking up the screen something fierce.