The Otters Knew Alex Was Still Around

1. The “he started it” defense has never worked in the history of mankind.

Plus the whole “witch” thing is stupid. One of the things I liked most about Mulan was the lack of the traditional “supernatural villain” character. Mulan’s opponent was very real and very dangerous. That’s what made her triumph awesome. 

so I expect them all to be speaking mandarin right?  i challenge you disney to put this film out in full mandarin.  No English.  For once, let Americans read subtitles.

I never understood why Joe Fox didn’t just offer to buy out the children’s bookstore, keep the charming staff, re-open under the name “The Shop Around the Corner — A Division of Fox Books,” and use his company’s massive buying power to offer the same discounts as at the much larger store. It would been great PR and

Jezspin is always delightful, and this is no exception. 

He is also the most negligent parent / guardian / whatever. He just wanders off at all of these places letting a known troublemaker monkey do whatever the hell he wants with absolutely no supervision.

The creepiest thing about this book: where are the damn people who are supposed to buy his caps? I think this is actually one of the first post-apocalyptic books to hit the market. The townspeople are all dead and this dude collects the caps from the corpses.   AND IT HAUNTS HIM SO HE WANDERS THE STREETS LOOKING FOR

I am loving this series so far and I humbly suggest you do Curious George next. The Man with the Yellow Hat kidnaps George from Africa at the beginning and it never comes up again.

Yes. Mendocino county has a lot of poverty. Sure there are some people who have lake houses or wineries or whatever up there, but it’s mostly poor to lower-middle class rural folks. It’s also very remote and isolated. The people who died in Redwood Valley last year weren’t vacationing yuppies, they were part of the com

It’s really important for people to understand where this fire is and the community it is impacting.
It is in Lake County: one of the poorest counties in all of California that neighbors some of the wealthiest counties.
Lake County has been hit with so many fires in the last three years that at this point there is

It’s actually West Side Story 2 - Space Sharks vs. Space Jets

God of Thunder meets Jeff.

Jesus. All these flag humpers and they’re all wrong. The correct protocol for the national anthem is to stand and face the flag or, if the flag ins’t visible, the source of the music. Military members in uniform salute. That’s it. The hand-over-the-heart (or hat-over-the-heart) thing is widespread and completely

Having played coed softball for quite a few years, it was all too common for men on other teams to take plays away from the women on their team. Our team captain had a rule however, that if you make a play on a ball that is not yours (like running over from left field to catch a ball that was going to the woman in

*laughs in pacific northwest*

I agree! A light, refreshing cocktail that has a beautiful color but isn’t cloyingly sweet? I’m in! 

I totally thought that was John Spencer in the middle for a minute and I’m sad now.

And surprisingly cheap looking, considering the size of those diamonds.

This makes you seem sweet and relaxed, but a lot of your descriptives are generic. Share a short story about a road trip, or be more specific about your fav restaurant. You seem nice! Give people more to remember about you.

I need my own island away from you fucking people. All of you.