The Otters Knew Alex Was Still Around

I am so gd useless when I am hungover, and I don’t even have kids. I cannot imagine being hungover and having to be responsible for one or more small humans. 

I do not live in an area that has anything remotely that could be called “mud season” but I still want a mudroom. 

I think you’re right. I believe our town offers that on the local utilities (power and water / sewage are controlled by our city, natural gas is PG&E). I’ll have to look into it. 

Eight at night sounds ... very warm. :(

LOL! There are otters in the river outside my boyfriend’s house, and there was a period of about ... eh, a year or two where we didn’t see them. Then they came back abruptly, and I changed my name to “Alex Knew the Otters Were Still Around,” but then I stopped posting here for a long while, and at one point I came

My solution to #4 is to live in an old, uninsulated house that is obscenely expensive to heat, so it never really gets over 60 inside. I’ve had my tree for nearly a full month now, and it’s as lush as it was when I bought it.

I wouldn’t want someone else decorating my tree, but if I had the funds I would absolutely spend it to have them come hang fresh lighted garlands and wreaths inside, and do all the lights outside. Also they can set up my tree, but I’ll light it and decorate it.

I don’t mind this kind of multicolored lights, but I like them on outdoor things (e.g., rooflines or draped on fences, or on a single snowy tree in a field). Also the new versions of these (which I assume are more energy efficient, which is obviously good) don’t quite have the same ... quality of light? IDK how to

Those super light copper-string LEDs might be light enough to put on the ficus, if the mood strikes you in another year, and they go on sale on Amazon pretty regularly (I’ve taken advantage of a Kinja deals offer on them and got three looooong strands for $7 each a few years back - I’ve got them hanging in the living

I like white lights on my tree personally, but regardless, my big issue is when the lights aren’t distributed on both the inside and the outside of the tree, so you can see the line of them. It takes me about ten to fifteen minutes per foot of tree to tuck my lights into all the little spaces on my tree, but it’s

Seriously. Lady Cheeky is excellent content. What a disappointment. 

Agreed, if it’s the baked casserole panko-crust kind, but if you have a saucy mac, a bowl is beneficial. Spoon for small shells, fork for all other pasta shapes.

Does your snow panda have a snowy snoot? WHO’S A GOOD SNOW PANDA? (Super cute!)

I love old englishes so much, they are just so loving and cuddly, but my god if Hubie Brown isn’t a real-live muppet.

Marzipan is beautiful, and there’s no such thing as “puppy uglies.” My pals have an old English named Hubie, and he is ... so much dog. Like ... soooo much dog. But he’s super fun in slow-mo.

It was surprisingly soothing. I shrunk the window and had it in the corner of my work monitor for a few hours yesterday. Glad it helped!

Now playing

They have youtubes of everything. And yes.

California’s law still allows for companies to have zero-tolerance policies in place, so honestly, I don’t think much will change here on that front.

I pledge my fealty to Henri.