It is much easier to load from back to front.
It is much easier to load from back to front.
Mine do this too. Like, they will load it in such a way that items fill with water and do not drain or get rinsed, or dry, but they will still unload and put them away, and it makes me twiiiiittttttch.
I ALWAYS end up needing more lights because ::grumble grumble grumble:: they just don’t make ‘em like they used to. Half the brand new strands burn out WHILE I’m lighting the tree, they are such garbage.
“Terrible” is a bit strong, but yeah, I was pretty annoyed.
but the vibe of love and celebration dies right after Xmas when it’s dark and cold.
This goes to show how much I pay attention ... I didn’t realize Beck had a new album!
It has been a really awful hell of a two weeks, but I agree with everything you’ve said. The community has come together in a pretty spectacular way, and I am really proud of us.
Exactly! It moved SO FAR IN from the Fountain Grove / Mark West areas, and so blindingly fast.
I also have the ultralight down coat. It doesn’t get terribly cold here often, but when I worked outside in the winter on the days when it would be in the teens, it kept me warm. Also it smooshed under my wool pea coat if I needed an extra layer, but was warm enough on its own most days.
I love that eyeshadow primer as much as the next person, but fuck that stupid wand. Seriously. The opening of the tube gets all gummed up, and the wand sucks as an applicator.
I love that eyeshadow primer as much as the next person, but fuck that stupid wand. Seriously. The opening of the…
My knee-jerk reaction was more with regard to “the media” at large, rather than these publications in particular, but thank you for clarifying anyway. Good to be reminded of it.
I feel like I gotta put in the obligatory “they’re late to the game, but at least they’re here” comment. But I totally agree with you. At least they’re pushing back now - and the artwork on those covers are excellent.
As always, there’s a trump tweet for every occasion.
Really unfair to actual Keebler elves who, among other things, ensure I have delicious Grasshopper cookies to snack on.
But women are too emotional to handle the presidency, amirite?!
::immediately sets about stalking your cosplaying kitties::
OMG. This is wonderful. Is there an instagram for this or anything? I would love to see more. I love me some cosplaying cats.