
Get in message board fights! That’s what I used to do

There's a lot of parity in NCAA hoops this year, good or bad for the sport?

I read it and wasn’t sure what the point was. That said, just because journalism focuses on the accused’s point of view doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be distributed. No reasonable person is calling Making a Murderer a rape or murder apology or saying it should be taken down

They really can’t function fine with 8. There have been so many 5-4 decisions and a 4-4 decision is moot so that whatever lower court decision is being appealed stands.

Mr King is Amateur Hour incarnate

I did read it. He doubles down on his claims without providing anything of substance that wasn’t already listed in the 74 page filing. Diana actually did! How hard could it be?

An 18-19 year old collegiate athlete acted like an immature ass? NO WAY.

Jesus Christ. Somewhere out there, an English teacher just hanged themselves.

This is such a toxic viewpoint.

LOL JJ is anything but a bust. 11th pick and he’s had a ten year career as a starter averaging more than 10ppg. For the 11th pick that’s pretty good.

Personal fouls committed with team within 15 yards should be automatic touchdown. Problem solved.

I don’t know whether this shooting was justified.

No, as I said I was just implying thare are A LOT more scenarios than just a black and white here. But you are clearly saying that if someone is at risk of a person literally hacking their arm or leg clean off - making them an amputee for the rest of their life the police are not allowed to use lethal force to prevent

What about maim or cause serious bodily harm? Say the police find someone about to rape another person or trying to hack off an arm or leg. They aren’t trying to kill but according to your definition they aren’t allowed to shoot to kill in eithe rof these situations.

Mind you the question is rhetorical - I’m more

Wishing violence upon the violent does not make you the better person.

Totally agree. Deadspin writers love shitting on people with careers like a sports agent.

Ehhh don’t think about it - it’s clickbait junk.

“That works, so long as you forget that Manziel is the same guy today that he was yesterday, and that there has been every indication that Manziel has been heading down a destructive path for quite some time now, and that he has repeatedly been enabled by those in his inner circle. Burkhardt has been Manziel’s agent

let me simplify it further, “marketers doing their jobs.”

no kidding man, deadspin and jalopnik are/were awesome, it’s too bad someone wants all these sites to turn into the leftist version of the tea-party. Authoritarian liberals, ugh. Just keep all the trash on gawker...leave the rest alone and quit trying to convert/shove junk down people’s throats as if we are Hitler’s