
Lovie Smith new Illini coach

I don’t know about you, but adjuncts make more than $100 a year...

Everyone debating whether it’s a charge is missing the point. It’s high school ball: if you have a chance to dunk the ball you take it and dunk in the most entertaining way possible no matter in-game context.

Isn’t a crucial part of playing defense the act of legally obstructing the offensive player’s path to the basket so as to inhibit the offensive player’s ability to score? Seems like the defender did his job perfectly here, sacrificing his personal comfort in the process, and should have been (but was not) awarded the

The fuck are you SUPPOSED to do?

Meh, eat a bowl of fuck. I don’t care what the guy did, making fun of his tragic death is some Trumpian bullshit.

He has a wife and two children, so fuck you.

You’re a pretty funny guy. I hope you catch your dick in your zipper later.

Please do not try and introduce facts into this discussion, err, virtual lynching.... such a downer.

Here are the recommendations from leading organizations on the topic (both detail outcomes as well):

The CDC can’t “advocate” in the way you are talking about. They are limited in what they are allowed to do and what sorts of recommendations they can make. Recommend that women avoid alcohol if it’s possible they might be or will shortly become pregnant? That’s easier to do and not have Congress puke on them than

Today’s defenses are a pathetic joke compared to yesterdays.

despite every possible metric and basic eyeball tests showing that modern NBA defenses are vastly more complex and effective than they’ve ever been.

I will put it to you this way. If the Pistons Championship teams, or the Knicks from the 90s went up against Golden State. Steph Curry wouldn’t be walking right for a week. I watched the game back before you existed and trust me, these current players suck at defense. There is ZERO EXCUSE for letting a fucking little

Oh, please. That wasn’t racist.

Calling a black person a “nigger” is racist. Speculating that his diet consists of fried chicken among other foods isn’t racist. Racism will never end if we continue to nitpick shit like this. Fuck PC culture.

I’ve always wondered how it can be considered racist to point out which types of food a certain ethnicity/ culture eats when it is not really an insult to eat any type of food.

HIV/AIDS is about 99.9999999% preventable. I’d say teaching people some personal responsibility would be optimal

Uh Greg Howard works there. Dude is super racist.

If this happened to an nfl player, deadspin would call it a scary injury, and question why the sport was still around.