
fuck off pc police


what the fuck does that mean? a “buster way to play defense”? You play defense the way the rules allow you too. that is a dumb dumb dumb argument

read the rule book please

yeah it’s cool that you’re ok with an unelected body of 9 people setting laws for the entire country, just not when you disagree with one of them.

learn how to read before insulting people

welcome to the pussification of america....”oh no please treat your millionare stars better!!!” the fuck

She said i could use the computer till 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus are you serious? None of those are rape. Misdemeanor sexual assault is not rape. C’mon.

Why would anyone possibly care? This is the same lady that made fun of Mitt Romney’s (black) grandson for having the audacity to be adopted by the Romney family.

oh wait where’s the part of him being found not guilty in a court of law? ah that’s right, facts are secondary here i almost forgot!

ughhhh wasn’t convicted of rape. actually acquitted by a court of law. good try though, jackie

Yeah, uh, wasn’t convicted of rape... good try though!

The “LOTS OF BABIES” argument is so incredibly stupid. Lots of people smoke and don’t get lung cancer too

Or, you know, the woman who is going to give a child birth defects could take some responsibility. Idk

Alcohol, however, can’t make men pregnant.

You guys threw a fucking fit when they held that science competition that was aimed at boys over the summer. Now they did exactly what you wanted them to do before and....you’re still pissed. Unreal.

Did you watch the fight? tell me he didn’t look like he’d been eating fried chicken. you can’t do it

Sarah Carly and Ben committed no crimes and Hillary has committed no real crimes

some of those people are not like the others.........................