
Bernie Sanders Makes Another Sweeping Proclamation With No Plan

Worse than the guy at the blackjack table who constantly calls it poker?

So 14th amendment good, First Amendment bad, got it.

...become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.

PRO TIP: Tweeting that you got raped isnt recognized as a legal action. You need to go tell the police, you know the guys in the cars with the lights on top.

Isn’t it amazing how the “I know better than everyone else” crowd shows up on a fucking sports blog? Save it for Gawker.

I’m glad Deadspin has taken a negative stand against daily fantasy, because none of your readers find it fun at all to play daily fantasy sports.

That’s pretty good, but GNC has always had the worst pricing for as long as I can remember.

That’s pretty good, but GNC has always had the worst pricing for as long as I can remember.


“Why are we as a nation so hung up on gender? If women are good enough to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces front lines, then they’re good enough to serve in the USMC.”

Basically, but when you’re dealing with the MLB (or if you buy points in the NBA) it’s not exactly as straightforward as 1x, 2x, 4x, etc because the lines move. If you want to win $10 at -150 you’re betting $15. Now you need to win $25 and the line is -140 so you’re betting $35. Third game (which is where we would

Much more likely that these 3 times point to a larger trend of Howard being full of ___.

Greg Howard is a joke. Deadspin is his ceiling.

Are you more concerned about the actual event or its geopolitical implications?

But if people start getting nominations just because they aren’t white, that’s probably worse.

I’m not usually a Deadspin apologist, but I don’t see anywhere saying people should ignore the NFL. This is merely a guide for those who would like to.

Why did the source that was shown have to seem so damn incompetent though?

Oh completely. The poll is totally fine, which is a rarity for Fox since they often have fucked up polls which should add to to 100%.

How is this any different from Gawker writing about POC despite not employing any POC?

Are we sure that poll isn’t meant to represent Trump’s support within the two groups, e.g. 46% of men and 30% of women support Trump? Rather than 46% of his support is male and 30% female and 24% roaches.