
Dude, come on, dismissing a work because of its medium is just immature and exactly the kind of thing film faced when it just started up. Either give the show a chance or don’t comment whenever anyone brings it up.

I mean a man is usually paying for it in the end.

You’re so very, very wrong on the February birthday. Having one final thing to look forward to during the New Years-to-Easter Highway of Darkness really de-Shinings you.

The NFL are such star-fuckers it’s like pulling teeth to get a star rejected from a game. Beckham was throwing hands to people’s face, that late head shot, should have been thrown out.

OBJ is a freakishly talented wide receiver and also a fuckboy.

Are you kidding? Poe makes me excited for guaranteed badassery in “SW: Rogue One”.

You mean the mediocre catch to tie the game that someone who shouldn’t have even been in the game made? Followed up with even more unsportsman like conduct?

So you’re not gonna talk about that late hit Beckham put on Norman? Absolutely classless play by him, he should be suspended.

If he was a defender he would have been tossed.

People are way too focused on the polls before the primary season begins. Fivethirtyeight.com cautions about putting too much weight into them, especially because no “front runner” has even cracked a 40% share. What that site does look at, right now, is the number of political endorsements each candidate has, and

if OBJ opened a bar how cheap would his shots be?

Beckham should absolutely have not been in the game to make that play. Probably getting suspended.

No way they’d miss the traffic opportunities. How often do they get thousands of comments on one story, like they did in the spoiler zone post?

Totally agree, but out of the 3 of them, Poe is the Soloiest.

Yeah, watch out for those spoilers saying things like ‘Kylo Ren kills Han Solo.’

I, for one, would not have enjoyed TFA as much without our man Poe. Not only was he fun and cool in his own right, he really made Finn feel welcomed in the Resistance and I think that translated into drawing us into their struggle.

You’re melting my monitor with that take, bro.

I don’t think the forgivable factor is really about the offense (generally), but what happens after the offense. Alcoholism - and substance abuse in general - is an incredibly difficult thing to cope with, let alone the offenses one makes while under the influence (for the victim as well as, yes, the offender). It’s

Yeah. He should have beat the shit out of a man. No one cares about that.