
I had a bad burger from Fuddruckers one time.

I think my comment is being misconstrued/I wasn’t being clear. Having a highlight reel post of Steph’s filthy game is certainly worth posting. Saying he “is even better this season” after 3 games is dumb & hyperbolic. That’s all.

what? 3 games...................................................................................

This article is the equivalent of raving about a baseball playing OPSing 1.600...over the course a week. C’mon. You can start fellating Steph Curry if he keeps this up for half a season.

The Warriors have played 3 games this season. This article has no reason to exist yet.

On a regular basis Deadspin rips Bill Simmons. The difference is that the world cares about Bill Simmons and it doesn’t really care about any Deadspin writers. If they had any clout or good sense they wouldn’t be writing for Gawker, the absolute toilet of internet journalism.

This article doesn’t mention that other

Hate to keep picking on your post, cepalg, but look at that... 30 stars for a disingenuous post.

And no, Dylann Roof was not “given Burger King” on the “drive home”.

civilians murdered by cops 900

What is this mastubatory bullshit, Greg? Again, the fucking spectre of “disproportionate representation” rears its head, with statistics being used with no context as to their meaning beyond apparently justifying in this article the statement “blacks are presumed criminal from birth”.

The officer should clearly be fired for using violence in an illegitmate way, due to it being excessive. That doesn’t change the fact that when you refuse to leave real estate that you have no legal power to control, after being asked to leave by those who do have such legal power, you are trespassing, and

Can someone please describe how the officer SHOULD have removed this insubordinate student from the classroom? She was gripping the desk and wasnt letting go. Her disruption of the class is completely unfair to the students that actually want to learn.

If my kid acted like that I would be ashamed that I failed as a parent. In that situation the student needs to follow the direction of the teacher and hand the cell phone over. The student was a little shit for not getting her way. If you play with fire enough times are you really surprised when you get burned?



Not so golden after all imo

The problem with this viewpoint and cartoon is that there is more than one type of censorship. The government can stop you from speaking, or it can step aside and let the mob do it.

Yes, that cartoon tries to sell “free speech” and “1st Amendment” rights as synonymous, when they absolutely are not.

You see, the “right to free speech” can mean a lot of things. There are some people, cartoon fans apparently, who believe that the free speech is really only a “right” in the sense that governments tend to say it is and therefore it can only ever be violated by means of government censorship.

This is a dumb fucking joke.