
Well, actually, retardation and impulse-disorder-causing-brain-damage is a reasonable answer to the question, “did he know what he was doing”. This is why the good lord made court-appointed analysts and doctors. Need to see wut’s wut, if we’re at all civilized.

Turns out, when you remove a starting pitcher for inferior pitchers, those pitchers often allow more runs

In this case, madness takes the form of performance enhancing drugs.

100% agree. Calling ankle high strikes

Strike zone interesting again this evening.

I’ve had to mute like 20 insufferable Sox fans like yourself on social media. People that didn’t spend a single dollar to see their own team in person. No status updates supporting their team. Not a peep all year. The Cubs get to the postseason and these idiots litter my Facebook feed with garbage, unoriginal posts

As opposed to the knuckle dragging meatheads from the south side? Fans of the team that has the turnout as a Chicago Fire game, but come out the woodwork to hate on the other team? I’m actually kinda impressed at all the Sox fans that can read and write. Thought most of you are stuck on coloring.

Shut up.

Everyone should probably jump over to twitter.com/bestfansstlouis to watch the glorious, glorious meltdown/tweets about how Yadi would’ve literally singlehandedly won the Cards the game.

Do you want umpires to be suspended when they miss a strike call? My goodness.

His wins away in Holland and Germany this summer should also not be overlooked.