
Can you shut the fuck up with this tired trope yet? Go to Timothy McVeigh’s wikipedia page and tell me how he’s described.

We’ll see. You can bet there’s gonna be more protests and more appearances by national figures than when that poor 9 year old got murdered.

is this a serious question

What gets you harder, Black Grantland or Jon Jones?

not to mention focusing on revenue is a first-grade financial analysis.

They’ve got some bangers, no doubt about it

How do you adjust black people being 13% of the population and committing 50% of the murders for “institutional racism?”

No doubt, today’s biggest tragedy is that you are still employed here

Hahahaha, aside from the obvious bullshit “you must be so proud of him killing brown people” if our cultures so shitty, why do they so desperately wanna come here?

Lmao shut the fuck up.

How come you didn’t write that comment in German? Oh yeah, that’s what I thought. Say what you want about Bush, but America is still the strongest country in world by a large margin. Now , shut the fuck up.

Wait, facilitating blackmail is bad?

Lmao are you kidding? How often do they complain about gun laws on these sites? This guy was literally as irresponsible as you can be with a gun, and now we’re advocating for lighter sentences? Give me a break.

Haha good question, prose

“Though Morales biggest offense is a weapons charge with no one injured, he is now serving 35 years in solitary confinement because of his gang ties.”

Even though he posted the girl’s personal information? And that’s against a well-stated and well-known twitter policy?

I’ve been told pretty repeatedly that men don’t get raped, it’s sad the judge would make that up. It takes away from the real rape victims.

Oh shoot, I didn’t realize I clicked on buzzfeed by accident

Does it make you sad when people refute your bullshit positions (and Greg’s) with facts? =/

Expulsion has an extremely negative effect on a young person’s life and should not be handed out lightly. The idea that a university should have the right to expel any student without meeting a high standard is ridiculous. Students should still be innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.