
No, it’s not about what’s best for the survivor. This is still America, and we still have a country that is built on the principle of “innocent until proven guilty.” Students should not have to prove that they didn’t do anything wrong to avoid punishment, and schools should not be in the business of investigating

Colleges should not be investigating sexual assault. I know you guys love it because the burden of proof is much lower but sexual assault is a felony and should be treated as such. Prove it in a court of a law with established rules and policies that exist to be fair to the accused and accuser.

Freedom of Speech =! Free Speech. Stop calling people dumb if you don’t understand that.

Yeah, uh, he compared opposition to abortion to opposition to slavery. It’s not hard to understand. But I think you’re probably just being purposefully disingenuous.

Incredibly, you think you know more about his medical condition than the doctors and training staff.

So let’s say he keeps it up, pops three more in the WS, wins MVP, and then gets popped for PEDs. What does baseball do?

Hahahahaha your team fucking sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!