
There are several Christian denominations or sects of denominations that are pro-LGBTQ. Pratt doesn’t have to go to an anti-gay church if he doesn’t want to. He has options. 

Unitarian...many Episcopal churches (Protestant sects it depends on the individual church itself)...um, Reformed Judaism?...annnnnnd...Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Yes, lemme check out how science proves something subjective like musical taste

Uhhh... that’s some big bullshit that ignores a whole bunch of trash from the 1950-2000 that’s been forgotten. We only remember the big hits, just as we’ll only remember the big hits of today. If you can’t find good music today, you aren’t trying hard enough. There’s literally never been more music produced or created

you could just stop coming here, especially if you’re going to post irrelevant comments on random articles

I’m so glad Moose didn’t die.

It makes me sad what the AV Club has turned into. 

Sure, you might not be a hate monger personally, but you’re sure willing to use the hate mongers to profit personally. 

Exactly! Us Conservatives aren’t hate mongers! We simply support hate mongers!


I mean the current conservative principles revolve around denying her (and others) their rights as human beings, so I don’t see how you can call it anything else than what it is: hate.

the false belief that if you are conservative, you are a hate monger. It is simply not true.

Why do you care though? So what if a 50 year old wants a grilled cheese? You gonna tell them they can’t have one because it’s only available on the kids menu?  Is there some law prohibiting the sale of kids menu items to people older than 12 in your state? 

Right you are. Unfortunately the kid with a pop bottle on his head did not prophecy a Seinfeld-looping bar. It’s fixed now.

Will patrons be required to take off their shirt when visiting the restroom?

McCarthy and Thicke are exactly why I’m not even hate-watching this show. I could use something full-out bonkers, but I will not subsidize them.

I like that theory a lot. Add to that Tony Todd as Edgar being the real Gargoyle King.

Fastball’s “The Way.” Sweet guitar work, interesting story behind the lyrics, wonderfully nostalgic 90s feel.

So basically societal progress is a pointless goal, good take there. Because this isn't the same thing as WW2 vets not understanding their teens love of rock and roll.