
He’s moved on to sauces now (Veloute, etc) This motherfucker

Like you don’t know Carlson is the do-nothin’ heir to the Swanson millions, Tomato.

Also, Tucker is the heir to Swanson foods. That's worth a lot more than $16m.

Sorry, didn’t realize who I was “arguing”’with. Don’t really care to put in worthless effort. Good luck with this one. 

Shit you're right. Damn.

It’s tomatoface.

Honestly, it’s still surprising to me that Carlson is given any credence whatsoever after being destroyed by Jon Stewart over a decade ago.

Untrustworthy read of the interview. I find your comment suspect. He pointed out the Koch brothers making Tucker a millionaire to push their agenda of not paying taxes on Fox.

Maybe I watched a different interview than you but at no point does he suggest that Tucker isn’t paying his fair share of taxes- he correctly roasts Tucker for being a mouthpiece for the billionaires in question.

I’ve read pretty much everything HPL wrote. His racism could, and should, come up in an article about, say, a movie adaptation of The Horror at Red Hook, or of The Innsmouth Horror - if anyone ever tries those. And it definitely belongs in any discussion about the upcoming Lovecraft Country (‘cause that’s what the

Everyone knows HP Lovecraft was racist. I think you can stop making that the focus of every single fucking article about anything tangentially related to him or his writing.

I know I watched the second Netflix season, but I can’t for the life of me remember anything about it. It’s weird how much more lifeless it seemed than the initial reboot season (which had a lot of problems, but also a ton of noteworthy funny bits. Same. The Sounds of Silence. I’m here, I’m queer, and now I’m over

Er, Cameron has done more than make a few underwater movies. He builds and pilots deep-sea submarines between films, so he really does know the physics of the ocean. Does that mean we should get his opinion on every water movie? Ehhhhh. Maybe, not. But it is rare to interview someone who has been at the bottom of the

No. He may be kind of a blowhard, but he’s also made some amazing films. Also, none of his comments above are incorrect, really. Despite the article’s incessant snark, the fact is that in Aquaman, it just doesn’t look like they’re underwater. Characters don’t move right; they just look like they’re flying through the

I think “high concept” in this context just means a plot that can be pitched succinctly: Failed singer-songwriter wakes up in a world where the Beatles never existed, and passes off their songs as his own.

Thank you! It needed saying.

Dogma I can get behind.

This really only draws attention to it—he should have just kept his mouth shut. A lot of churches say they “accept everyone regardless of orientation etc.,” but what they do in practice or how the community feels is very different. “Put clearly, we do not affirm a gay lifestyle and because of this we do not knowingly