
I think you might have meant to link this one, which is more at odds with the “believe survivors”/“denounce” tweet

The Eagles and The Beach Boys are the two artists that remind me of my dad and specifically family road trips. Counter-intuitively, I came out of my childhood with a fondness for The Eagles and a hatred of The Beach Boys.

It’s telling that I watched this movie less than 2 months ago and have almost no memory of what happens in it. Literally all I remember is that Natalie Portman gets taken over by darkness or something.

Compare that to the first Thor movie which I saw in theaters when it first came out and, while I disliked it, at

I feel similarly about Freak Show. It is the only season I didn’t finish but it was more out of apathy. I just didn’t care about any of the characters at all. I missed the finale episode and kept meaning to get around to it but after 2 weeks of not watching I realized that I didn’t actually have any real desire to

Oh, yeah... I kinda forgot they permadeathed by the end of the seasons since they both died and came back to life midway through. 

I’m curious as to how Queenie (Sidibe) will fit in since she dies in Hotel which took place in a pre-apocolypse world. I guess she could come back to life since the witches have that power in Coven but that brings me to one of the major reasons I hated Coven so much: major characters died on a weekly basis, only to

I specifically came here looking for the too-cool-for-Neutral-Milk-Hotel comment. Thank you for obliging. 

While I totally agree that Temple of Doom has a ton of incredibly problematic elements, it’s actually my favorite one to watch. It probably has to do with the fact that it was the only one I owned on VHS until I was around 12 years old so I saw it more times than I can count in my formative years, but I love the

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I have absolutely nothing to add to this discussion, so here’s Neil Cicierega

I’ve had exactly one of those and it was easily in the top 5 most unsettling dreams I’ve ever had. 

Are you legitimately confused about this or is this just an oblique way of saying you don’t like King’s works?

Phoebe’s Cinderella dress was peak Charmed.

The funny thing is, a lot of stations in my area still gave the original pretty heavy rotation. It was fairly rare that I would go a week without hearing the Toto version. Now it’s just been replaced by the Weezer cover and in some cases it’s just being supplemented by the cover so that you’ll hear one version on the

One thing I found funny about the Gellar entry was that it ended saying that it was the closest we’ve come to seeing a slayer go full vamp despite the fact that Buffy does in fact become a vampire in the episode where Sunnydale’s nightmares become reality.

I’m sure Betsy is crying about this scathing review while she sips wine in the Jacuzzi tub in bathroom #8 while her cook prepares dinner in kitchen #2.

I was in high school when it came out and oh jesus was it inescapable. I don’t even think it’s an awful song necessarily (it’s definitely saccharine but it’s inoffensive and moderately catchy) but it was just fucking everywhere for so long.

Without even really knowing the details of the show, I feel like the target audience will be an age group too young to even know this song and probably won’t have the batshit absurdity factor to draw in older crowds that would know it, a la Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars and Riverdale.

Wow, I’m coincidentally watching both of these shows right now (Riverdale is my me-time-binge show and Supergirl is my relationship-binge show). Somehow I didn’t put it together that that was the same actress despite watching this episode of Riverdale and Supergirl’s Livewire literally back to back on Saturday.

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No, it was Jessica Lange’s character. This is bad quality but here’s the scene in question, wherein she realizes she’s in her own personal hell:

So not only did I miss my Liberal Agenda Newsletter but apparently I missed my Gay Agenda Newsletter too? I’m so behind the times on my Deep State approved talking points smh