Why are your comments on here making fun of her weight? Why do you think that is okay?
Why are your comments on here making fun of her weight? Why do you think that is okay?
I don’t mind people saying things like that jokingly, but otherwise it feels like benevolent sexism. We need equality, not to be put on pedestals.
Nah. I posted this elsewhere, but 1.) I hate when women are referred to as one monolithic group, even if it’s purportedly positive, and 2.) elevating either gender above the other just hurts both genders.
for more attention. I mean more awareness.
Not even just Knightley and her supporters - I would think any actor with some public recognition and a decent reputation would be wary of working with him, even if they’d never met Knightley and didn’t know anyone who knew her.
Well, I mean he must have meant it if he felt compelled to bring it up when discussing completely different projects, so who gives a shit about his sincerity. But, yeah, it may have all happened within a week or two. Shooting was completed four years ago, though. His embittered, spiteful scorn is a veritable…
Where you run around saying “Do you know this one or that one” with the assumption that someone you know was invited to their Bar/Bat Mitzvah or went to services with them. Or camp. Or Miami Beach for Passover.
It’s almost as if he’s only apologizing because the firestorm his stupidity kicked off threatened his career...
We think alike, you and I. Unfortunately for him, Kiera is too big a name to have her career trashed by this. Hope the next woman is as lucky.
I still don’t know what “Jewish geography” is
I do that too. I almost made a comment about her court attire.
“jewish geography”
I suspect someone made it abundantly clear that he was replaceable since Ms Knightly or her supporters wouldn’t be too keen to work with him again. So he makes his unconditional apology in public whilst groveling to keep his job behind closed doors.
I suspect he made a pass and got rebuffed. His apology comes after realizing that not only will Keira Knightly never work with him again, neither will anyone else. Better to eat crow and keep your job.
This is this is this. This.
Geez louise. The strangest part of all of this is that she is a proper actor.
That doesn’t explain him shitting on her (once only by implication) in three separate interviews, unprompted. It doesn’t explain why she is the one he lashed out at. It doesn’t explain why the comments were so gendered. It doesn’t explain the mystery that is Adam Levine. So, nah.
He thought it was fine saying those things about Keira Knightly because the people he hangs out with, in the business he operates in, talks about women and people of color that way every day with impunity. So when he got blowback about it and realized his words were heard by people not full of white bro privilege, he…