Pearl Lester

You could, if you wanted these terrible oversized, plasticky, too-white veneers. I think they look awful. She must’ve gone to Jessica Biel’s dentist. Or the one who did Hilary Duff’s terrible first set. Possibly both, if that’s the same person, which it could be - they certainly made all the same mistakes.

I’ve been in braces for five years :( *cries forever*

LOLZ! Cardi B is a bad bitch, Rita not so much. She’s part of the cast of Love & Hip Hop: NY.

This reminds me of Jr. High (fucking miserable) where I was teased relentlessly about being fat. I dropped a ton of weight and then I was ridiculed for my clothes. You can’t fucking win, man.

Yeah, I think he means objectification not sexism, but his point is very valid. And it totally sucks to be objectified so Jon Snow, for once, you kinda know something maybe?

In photoshoots when I’m asked to strip, I’ve felt the sexism.

I’m not sure the best way to fight the patriarchy is to casually devalue the fact that it adversely affects men as well.

As you say, what he’s describing is objectification, not sexism. Also, he didn’t actually identify any double standards: he’s complaining that he’s being treated like a woman might be and ‘snot fair.

Yeah, it’s not possible to have a conflict-free fourteen-year marriage. If you’re going to claim that something is “outrageous,” stop exaggerating to make things look better for you and yours. She just sounds like a biased asshole who’s got a good thing going with Depp and doesn’t want her kid to suffer because he

Seriously. Are murderers ever judged by these standards? Like, somebody had an off-day, they didn’t feel murder in their “heart,” they know plenty of people they never murdered so something must be fishy about this so-called murder dozens of people witnessed, two sides to every story and the victim ain’t talking (the

They were real enough for her to carefully plan what she would do and how she would do it and real enough for her to save up over a period of time to make it possible. They were real enough that she was able to choose what commitments mattered to her (work for the money while skipping class because she did not intend

She probably had major dissociation. Depression will do that. You don't matter, your circumstances aren't real, etc etc

The shade she throws at everyone in her essay doesn’t help, it’s true. Columbia didn’t welcome her on her first day and it was her birthday. Teachers didn’t talk to her, she can only learn in a special way and they didn’t provide that. Roommates didn’t even ask where she was going (wasn’t she trying to disappear?).

I guess what I’m saying is, if she had killed herself instead of hiding in an apartment, would we be so judgmental? Would we critique the tone of her suicide note? This is, to me, pretty obviously a form of self-destruction and self-harm. And the tone just sounds to me like a refusal to admit anything is wrong, and

Of course there is some mental health issue at play here. I think what people are taking issue with is the tone she takes in the piece, the complete inability to admit the pain she put her mother through, and the fact that she and those who published her are celebrating her selfish/irrational decisions as courageous


Not everyone handles pressure in the same ways. I dropped out of my ENTIRE LIFE just like this in 1994. My parents looked for me for two weeks and I was safe and sound... on the other side of the country.

I’m 47 and only finally coming to terms with the misery of trying to be Great. Three cheers for this young woman for starting the push back now

When the deadlines mounted in college and my will to meet them disappeared completely, I would play a game. The idea was to find the perfect illness or condition that met the following criteria:

Oh gosh, I felt exactly the same way and I wasn’t even in the engineering school (notoriously difficult).