Pearl Lester

Amanda Bynes was wonderfully talented. From All That to her own sketch comedy show to her movie career in the 2000s that didn’t include trying to make the tabloids every week like ever other Aught starlet...It was her comedic chops and general level headedness that made her descent into mental illness that much more

Azealia Banks is a marginally talented asshole.

I absolutely don’t blame you for still feeling bitter. My sister has stuffed my family photographs with at least 5 different men AND the kids of these men. I will try to find a pic of my daughters and her cousins and I find myself asking, “Wait, who is this random little girl?” and it’s always, “Oh, I think that’s

I, honest to God, said something similar to my husband. “I am committed to my happiness. I deserve it. And if there is ever a time I’m not as happy...” And then he almost died of toxic shock syndrome and I realized what a marriage really was, you know, the “for better or worse, in sickness and health” shit. When he

I don’t think she was paying off his “trainers”. Homeboy had a habit.

And WE have to keep her boyfriends straight because gawd knows she gets Facebook official every 5 months with some new dude who she feels “blessed” to have in her life. Her “sweetie” looks vaguely like last November’s sweety, but you can’t be sure. You just hope he’s not in all the 4th of July pics at mom’s house

That’s bizarre Kinja! What the whaaa?

I have blackmailed my 22 year old daughter by saying she cannot get a single tattoo until she’s paying her own health insurance. She just signed up for Obamacare, y’all. I pray that she doesn’t start with any tat above her collarbone. No neck, no nape, no face. Eeesh.

You are the awesomest!

Still ain’t as complicated as the bruzens in the Jackson family.


Yep. Especially after looking at that table and the woman sitting there in a black shirt with a name label like a cater-waiter.

Thank you! This makes a lot of sense.

YEP. Very simple. Thanks!

But what if you are referring to both? Like, “Since 10th grade, I’ve dated girls and women who...” might sound creepy as hell from a 35 year old.

No, no! I know!

I’m still like, versus what, tho? “Person who has a uterus”? But that wouldn’t work for everyone and is quite a mouthful. If I’m talking about females— and we can say it, it isn’t a dirty word — why NOT say it? I realize that “If a female were to enter this restroom...” might work contextually better than, “I saw this

LOVE! And I’d wear small gloves and a Tam style hat while I answered to it.

I’m still like, “female” as opposed to what? “Woman” or “girl”? It came into play a lot during the nineties when Black males were CONSTANTLY referred to as “males” by the judicial and education system. Folks started to use institutional jargon as colloquial terms. Cars became “vehicles” and jailed became
