Pearl Lester

Same. And while I’m shepherding their feelings, I still get to make my point. It’s a coy bit of verbal judo, but it works.


I get so mad at them and then profoundly sad for them.

Which means that it is, on its face, simply spiteful. They just wanted to have a “we hate queers” sentiment codified by law on the books.

My thoughts EXACTLY. I got a list in my head of dudes who would cause immediate fucking concerns from the southern belles and their beaux waiting for them just outside the restrooms of The Cracker Barrel.

I’m imagining what will happen when a law-abiding buff ass FTM transdude walks into the ladies room in Alabama. They gonna arrest his ass?

When I heard Paula Patton was cast in the movie WarCraft, my very first thought was, “Watch them make her black ass an Orc.”

Loco Jones, I’ve been kinda internet-cool with you for a lil’ while, but you know what? I’mma take this pull quote —

Irony: My husband is so very white.

They are CHOOSING to feel irked. Remember that SNL skit? The Day Beyonce Turned Black.

Any term that generalizes, dehumanizes or simply elides your own identity can be insulting. “Girl” or “Sweetheart” can be an endearment or an epithet from someone’s mouth.

GOOD GRIEF! This whole part of the thread was in response to someone saying, “Other than the Nation of Islam...” and you gon bring THAT up?! A sect of 25 thousand members?! You just TRYING to be goofy.

SO. Where in “Becky” is superiority to white folks?

Yo, homie. The term “Becky” is from the Sir Mix A Lot video. When I was school aged, it was “white girl” or any generic white girl name, “Ashley” or “Muffie” if she’s higher class. NONE of it meant “white bitch”. Sitchoassdown with that shit. Or go poll your undoubtedly numerous black female friends about the

Nope. Racism stems from a prejudice about superiority/inferiority. I’ve never in 40 years talked to a black person who tried to convince me that I’m better than a white person or that they were. Doubtless, those people exist. But practices that are couched in the feeling of SUPERIORITY? Where? Other than the cultish 5

It’s fascinating, in a way: it’s like a whole bunch of folks eavesdropped on a conversation between black people and got schooled, then aghast, then flattered, then insulted, then confused, then outraged...within such a short timespan. Over such an innocuous term. “Oh my god, Becky!” is so played the fuck out! But

I actually thought of multiple individual instances in this interim, from a vengeful (to all people) administrator I’ve known to a person at the 911 operator’s desk. Trust and believe, I can imagine how prejudice can affect the simplest (and life altering) interaction.


Someone called it a “slur” and I very, very carefully (with tongue firmly in cheek) conceded that they may find umbrage with a name that erased individuality, didn’t acknowledge a person’s humanity, yada yada....but concluded with my opinion that “Becky” is innocuous, for the most part. Reread my response. I

Been there, heard that.