8 years ago today I was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer at the age of twenty. Today I’m alive, healthy, and thriving. So fucking thankful.
8 years ago today I was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer at the age of twenty. Today I’m alive, healthy, and thriving. So fucking thankful.
Ha! I was coming here to say something similar. I was born at the tail end of the boomer years, so I was just a little kid during the 60s. But I tried to watch a couple of episodes, and the smoking and cheating and stifled wives gave me PTSD and I quit. Growing up with a mother stuck in a bad marriage because she…
“a hit...because it was about one our recent favorite decades in American history. Baby boomers, man.”
Nice! We go every year, and to the one in March too. My fave story is the Patrick Stewart one...when he was signing our pic my husband asked him if he was going to use his mind powers to make all my clothes fall off, and i’d try to cover up but he’d have already seen everything (watch his episode of Extras, and you’ll…
It’s the late-aughts and I am living in the Hollywood Hills. It’s a Saturday night and my friend is super sick. She’s asked me come over and take care of her but first pick up some cat food and juice. No problem, I say, I’ll just hit the liquor/convenience store across the street from my place. Do I need to change out…
During my poor grad student days in Morningside Heights, I bought coffee with most of the loose change I could scrounge up. It was always a treat. One desperate day I was actually buying coffee on campus (pricey!) and had to count my change on the counter (classy!). As the woman slid me my cup of deliciousness that…
I think I was more surprised by the number of dogs featured on these covers rather than abs...
can we have separate post for BB King??
Is it allowed to be intentionally stupid?
Sigh. Sometimes it seems like there's just not enough lube in the world for post-menopausal sex. Thanks for the suggestions! Some new things to try.
Seriously. I teach at a uni and the likelihood of this as a random assignment is 0%. It had to be in the syllabus. Now, based on my experience, the likelihood of students reading through the entire syllabus is only about 50%. This is the best example ever of READ THE NOT-SO-FINE PRINT. Also, the prof must have been…
I think the emergency fund thing is an awesome idea. That’s a great way to contribute while still sticking to what you all have agreed upon. I’m sure he will appreciate not having to come out of pocket for unexpected car expenses or vacation expenses either.
I thought maybe I’d be sad about Mother’s Day because this is my first one as a single mom, but I decided to take it as a Treat Yo Self weekend. It has been AWESOME. New pinata cake pan? TREAT YO SELF. New nail polish even though you have a billion? TREAT YO SELF. Entire afternoon off from parenting to prepare for a…
I ran a 10k today! It was on the beach and it was beautiful and I beat my previous time by a whole five minutes! I am very tired now.
I will never understand why anyone gives a shit about someone else’s diet, unless that diet is like, babies or human hair or something horrifying. If it’s just, you know, food? Why care? Why evangelize or make fun? It’s so weird. When I was a teenager I was a vegetarian and my extended family gave me SO MUCH shit…
Jezebel- this is straight up body shaming. You wear what you want, and I’ll wear what I want. As a big busted lady who sometimes doesn’t feel comfortable in her own skin, maxi dresses are a godsend. They make me feel nice. You take your negativity and go elsewhere.
If this was a dude we’d be rightly yelling “NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR BONER”
This is by far the worst fucking thing I’ve ever read on this website. You may think I’m exaggerating, but seriously, this is so bad. Why in God’s name do you care SO MUCH about what another woman puts on her body? I’m actually finding myself angry after reading this. Not because I love maxi dresses so much that it…
As a short person, I avoided them for years, but they actually look great on me! Or at least, I think they look great on me, and I don’t really care if this woman thinks otherwise bc since when was jezebel about policing this shit?