Beautifully described; thank you.
Beautifully described; thank you.
He does NOT look like most white dudes in a suit. He is fit, well groomed, and much taller. Also, he has all his hair.
He’s dignified and intelligent, and these days these two qualities will skew anyone’s judgment.
What a fucknut. No David, it’s not out of bounds to discuss the attractiveness of an actor in a review (unless the actor in question is 11 years old like Watson was, you sick fuck). But it is out of line to carry on about it for the entire fucking review, all the while making extra creepy statements like how Israeli…
This is fucking sickening. Fuck these guys. I don’t even know what else to say. I hope these assholes all go to prison for a long time, and while they’re there they get treated the way rapists and sexual abusers should be treated in prison.
Wouldn’t it be great to find out the other elephants chased them to flush them out for the fourth elephant?
I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.
“MSN reports that Botha fired his rifle on the charging cows, but a fourth swept in and surprised him from the side.”
Nope. I’m sick and tired of the “i think he may be gay and this is how he’s dealing with it”.
Possibly. But he strikes me more as the kind of guy who thinks he’s entitled to a dime piece and is bitter/resentful because the girls that are “hot enough” by his standards want nothing to do with him. Acting like he wants nothing to do with women as a whole is the defense mechanism to get back at those who spurned…
like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.
Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?
We have a general culture of holding women responsible for their sexuality since childhood, and not holding men responsible ever. I legitimately wonder how many girls and women seek out law enforcement knowing they will be arrested and charged because prison seems like a better alternative to being trafficked.
I would imagine it has something to do with the fact that black teens are not seen as children. Rather than being treated as an exploited child, she was probably charged with prostitution.
I don’t know about you all, but I think men may be constitutionally too emotional to be in leadership positions.
I do think it’s both. He knows he can’t bullshit with her, and that she is both smarter and far more powerful than him. I actually think he’s scared of her. Sniff, I feel so proud of Our Mutti Merkel right now!
Obama did commit the greatest crime, though: being born while not-white.