WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

I don’t know, Inquisition could also look mighty stilted at times.

This woman means a lot to me.

Dude, that woman has cool glasses, a sassy haircut, and a nice suit jacket. I’ll bet she’s somewhere right now living her best life and not giving a single fuck.

“Adult roommate” is such a perfect description of my dad, if by “roommate” you also mean someone who doesn’t pay rent consistently, never cooks, cleans, or wants to go out. My dad nevers want to spend any time with his four kids, even when we’re all home. Seriously, he can’t even be bothered to watch us all open our

But yeah, I don’t like it. It’s minimizing.

for a start, it’s tremendously condescending... = |

What a bummer for that dude who has to watch his kids. This is on par with parents who say they are “babysitting”.


It’s so dumb it’s funny, but I’m not mad at him for that. He’s not too bright. His heart seems to be in the right place, there, which is something I can’t normally say for Joe.

The most ironic part is women I know are never off. They run our worlds, save our parents, kids and every other relationship that counts.

While I don’t at all disagree - and 100% agree this man is a hero - I want to also make sure we focus on those women serving our country who put their bodies on the line to defend us all, and yet find those same bodies sexually violated by their peers for cheap thrills. Those women, and all women, deserve better.

Bless his heart. Must be so hard to go through life with a brain that small.

Funny, because I wish Donald trump was fighting anti-Semitism.

as a lawyer who is usually on the defense side of employment discrimination suits, and who also thinks that sometimes people are just assholes and it’s not about gender/race/whatever: GIRL SUE THEM.

As a currently pregnant person, I’d like to tell this man to fuck the fuck off with his host bullshit. I wanted this baby and pregnancy is miserable as FUCK. This isn’t hosting, this is being bled fucking dry by a goddamned alien (if you’re reading this in the future, little dude, just know that I mean every fucking

The other week I made the mistake of clicking on some rando’s Facebook page after he had posted some blah blah “if only you had accepted Jesus” bullshit on a mutual friend’s page (she is currently going through a whole host of personal problems thoroughly unrelated to religion and completely related to being poor).

And there it is.

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.”- Germaine Greer, 1970. Plus ça change...

Jamie Lynn Spear’s ordeal is my WORST nightmare as a parent. The “watching your child in mortal peril but not being able to fix it” variety. I know we’re so quick to say “but she shouldn’t have allowed...” but honestly at the end of the day, peoplec said that shit about the poor parents who watched an alligator snatch

I just want to know where you got urine formation. Was it a leak?