WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

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When do you suppose she should have asked? After she had already given her notice or before when she probably assumed she was being paid a fair wage based off of her qualifications and experience? (which she already stated were similiar to the dude who was offered 20K more)

Yes, but child rearing is part of the economic problem- this is a societally-necessary task that overwhelmingly affects women more than men, and women are not compensated for performing this work. This is why some countries have started to pay people to have children and stay home with them- women are reluctant to

I don’t think the study really proves sexism has nothing to do with it.

Not just quietly, secretly. Unannounced, behind closed doors, with no roll call or record of votes, on a national holiday, under the wire so there was no time to fight against it. A secret vote to give them explicit control over investigations into their own misdeeds. A decision that keeps them from being accused of

What would be the ultimate diss is if no one tuned into his swearing in and no one bother to go. Not even to protest. Just give him absolutely no attention and treat it like an average day. That would drive Trump crazier than any protest. He wants attention. Any attention. So that he can either play the hero or the

I’m not sure Donald has the reflective capacity to understand what level of dis this constitutes. I just read this interview with Errol Morris on Trump’s astonishingly shallow take on Citizen Kane, and how his particular pathology leaves him unable to achieve basic comprehension of art, or irony, or humor, or anything

i’m just deep bone tired

It’s not whether they believe if they’re racist or not. It’s that they think their racism is warranted and justified. Until they get caught, then they don’t think they’re racist.

Michelle Obama has been one of the classiest, the most educated (two ivy league degrees), perhaps the smartest, and yes one of the most beautiful first ladies we have ever had. We will be lucky to get another one like her. People who hate on her are ignorant racists. She is so many things that all of us strive to

The constant flood of Michelle Obama comments over the last 8 years really do flummox me.

On some level I wish these people would just admit out loud that they are racist instead of issuing stupid denials.

Ugh. This is why I never feel bad for anyone who gets kicked off a plane due to their own behavior. Be cool or take fucking Greyhound.

we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

This! I was recently stuck behind someone at a security gate who had a full-on meltdown because they wanted her to follow the same procedures that literally everyone else follows. She was just utterly shocked to find out that, no, you cannot wear your coat and jewelry and shoes through the full body scanner.

They seem like a fun couple who are totally patient with retail employees and roadworks crew members.

I saw this story on another site. Apparently, the passengers were cheering as the couple was led away and the man (a VP at Citibank in Los Angeles) tried to attack one of the cheering passengers.

We are fantasizing about being the one who brings down The Mayor after his Ascension.

I’d say that “dating” and “cheating” do have some points of overlap on the venn diagram.

I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost