WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

“It’s a big thing that’s present in the white liberal community. That, “I’m talking about it so I’m doing something.” No, you’re just talking about it. And you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals. You’re not really doing anything here. Talking is not action. Don’t just look at what you say. Look at how

I can’t think of a legit reason for my boyfriend to have my account and phone passwords. He has his own accounts and phone. Why would he need mine? Absent some actual suspicions about something, why would I demand that he give me his? I don’t believe that just because I’m part of a couple, I have to give up all

Holy mother of pearl. Real consequences to the sports ball game for grossly sexist and dehumanizing behavior.

You know what I’ve decided? That I like so called echo chambers, like Jez, and I’ll admit it. The reason I say this is that no one argues in good faith. I love hearing differing opinions and sharing mine but Jesus fucking Christ everything is a damn gotcha moment for people. Even when I go on the concourse I’m

I will preface this with the fact that unnatural movements freak me out. A lot.

That reality show woman Bethanny whatever, was on twitter yesterday expressing her expert views on the case and decided that it was obviously fake and done to promote the show.

Men when it happens to women: I guess you just weren’t qualified. Maybe they were worried about you taking maternity leave, that’s very costly for a company! Are you sure it’s because you’re a woman I mean your boss has a daughter I’ve never seen him do anything sexist. Sexism doesn’t even exist in the US anymore just

This all day. Funny how men are all now it’s a problem if women were given a bit of an edge. What if the men in management positions were really shitty at working with a female boss? I could definitely see that.

So where was this guy’s lawsuit when the top managers were 80% male?

If this is on the level, then I feel terrible for him because sexism is horrific.

1. Fuck you

There’s a distinction between wanting your art to receive attention/appreciation and yourself to receive attention/appreciation. It’s cruel to insist that every person who wants their expression to be heard must also open up themselves, even against their own wishes. It’s not necessary.

No. Artists create art for people to enjoy. Beyond that they don’t owe people shit.


Egor claims HE was the breadwinner between the two

Correct Way to Wash:

1. Hair, as needed. Mine is thin and prone to oiliness, so daily.
1a. Conditioner and other treatments, if necessary
2. Face, with a washcloth & face soap
2a. Face mask, if necessary
3. Pits, crotch, underboob, assorted cracks and folds, with soap and hand
3a. (any actively dirty spots, such as paint,

i’ve already seen a bunch of “how can wolf whistling be a hate crime when it’s a compliment which is like the opposite of hate?” not even ironically expressed, either.

Not excusing this jackass, but the context of her islamophobia may be different from your garden variety type. Albania was an Ottoman province for centuries. People who have lived in the former Ottoman Empire have a few sequellae they aren’t rid of.

Kosher Italian is the name of my next rock band.

A roach. A leak. A lawsuit. And a banana peel. All this. And more. On the next. This. American Life.