WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

I hope they don’t cast Trump. Just show his tweets on screen between scenes.

If history is any indication, a bankruptcy and a divorce.

I know. I have only been able to convince one person of this. Like he could have had cancer treatment paid for by his friend but he was too “proud” to accept it. He just wanted to sell drugs because he was like fuck it, I’m dying now I can just be the bastard I have always wanted to be.

I could not get into breaking bad because of how White treated his wife. He was a garbage person from the jump, and we’re supposed to see him as this hero who takes on the burden of illness by himself by selling drugs. Fuck off Walter. Sorry you got cancer but you’re not an awesome husband(or even decent) for lying to

NPR had a program recently that focused on a high school target class called something like “porn proficiency.” Basically, talking to kids about porn. It was nice to hear adults talking to young men and women about what they’re seeing being entertainment and not based in reality. They reported many young girls being

Y’know what? Thanks for taking the time to break things down to the level you did; there’s a tendency in current social discourse to immediately take the most emotionally-reflexive and intellectually simple reaction to any situation, and I really appreciate that you slowed down and broke this situation into its

The American right wing has basically gone from slavers to Jim Crow-ers to the people who call twelve year olds thugs after they get shot by police, so I mean...just cause you don’t sing the quiet part loud doesn’t mean you aren’t part of the same song.

Am I the only person who doesn’t give a fuck WHY people do horrible shit? You’re an adult, you’re responsible for your actions, period, full stop, end of story, fuck you, I don’t want to hear about your past and your excuses for your shitty actions. I had a shitty childhood too, I didn’t rape anybody.

“shrill and bossy.”

How hard is it to change the ending of that statement to “and I’m so angry that he has sullied that memory. I’m so sad it has taken us to get to this point and I’m greatful to Dylan for speaking out. How brave of her.”

I mean, I see your point. It’s the same argument over the difference between porn and safe prostitution. Legally, the leaked photos were a crime because someone accessed her account without her permission. Morally, regardless of the law, there is a difference between you seeing someone naked because they want you to

Yeah, show me the systematic history of men’s oppression (by women) via the objectification and control of men’s bodies (by women) and then we can start to compare Leslie Jones calling an athlete sexy to what men do to women.

It’s gross when anybody does it tbh

why is this okay?

It crosses sports and national boundaries too. Britain is in the middle of a terrible scandal right now with a former youth soccer coach. It started with this mortifying disclosure from a now-retired pro (details like: after years of abuse, the coach started dating the player’s older sister and came over to the

What race is Rachelle Faroul, just based on her name? You get 3 guesses. What about Dontarrell Coleman? Aliyah Fatima Donovan? Sarah Michelle Jones? The assertion that someone can’t racially discriminate because they haven’t seen someone in person is absurd. People pick up on (and make explicit and implicit

I can believe it. There’s a brilliant essay by Cintra Wilson about Wildenstein and Michael Jackson and Courtney Love and the cult of plastic surgery. Pull quote: “Neither Courtney’s nor Jocelyn’s nor Michael’s ugliness was skin deep — it was much deeper. None of them were actually “ugly” before the surgeries, but now,

But Jocelyn, has something to offer that not a lot of women have.

“It’s very scary when you know people are just not going to believe you once you open your mouth,”

‘Reasons why’ is one of those grammatical formulations that rip out my spleen. You don’t need the ‘why’, people! The why is already built into ‘reasons’! Argh! As in: ‘I have 13 reasons to hate this book, even before I knew the writer was a creep.’