The world has changed so much since the election that I’m now cheerleading for men I would once have despised as venal and vile.
The world has changed so much since the election that I’m now cheerleading for men I would once have despised as venal and vile.
It’s “bear witness,” not “bare witness.”
At this stage of my life, I read the headline and immediately thought “WTF? I overheat too much as it is!”
I don’t think Allen has made a watchable film *ever.*
Amy, Peter’s last name is “Sarsgaard,” not “Skarsgaard.” That’s a whole nother family.
Stellar interview, and I fully intend to read this book. It speaks to a lot of experiences in my own life.
“Even if you don’t show that during a juror, white women’s tears there were so inept.”
It seems to me it’s the difference between being seen as a whole human being who can voluntarily participate in a sexual act, or as a series of goals to be attained. The former leads to good sex, and the latter leads to a feeling of being used.
My ability to understand your point was negated by the number of missing words and misspellings in this article. I think I understand it, but would appreciate some corrections so I am clear on what you mean. Thanks.
Ok, this is flat-out child abuse. How did no one report this? Aren’t teachers mandatory reporters?
This is my Sunday morning treat. I sit in bed with a big cup of coffee and read all the AGC gossip. Mmmmmmm, coffee and gossip.
“Bitten,” not “bit,” in headline.
Fair enough. It just jumped out at me, looking at the picture. Your point is well taken.
How is this story about Chastain when front and center is a Woody Allen collaborator who professes not to care about his molestation charges, only his art?
So I see Max Landis is now on the hot seat, seemingly deservingly so.
Friend’s mom broke her hip, while in her 80s. Doctor told him over 70 years of age, chances are 9 out of 10 of death within a year of the break.
I wish Jez would stop using the gendered insult “bitch.” What was wrong with “rascist pustule”? I thought that was pretty stellar, myself.
Why do women support him?