WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

“It is difficult for a sexual predator in the world academics in our modern age, so out of compassion and acknowledgment of this we are going to allow him to stay in his position, under a slightly less powerful title, yet still with enough authority that his feelings are not too hurt. Hopefully with counselling he

And if his career is ruined, it’s his fault for doing the harassing. If he’s the Dean of a Law School, it’s not like he doesn’t know better.

so.... if he was so worried about ruining his career... maybe, just a possibility here, he shouldn’t have harassed his co-workers?

Why is it the woman’s job to ensure a man stand up for a child?

The weird thing is all this racist fervor is kicking in at a time when crime rates are dropping, pregnancy rates are dropping, affirmative action has disappeared, taxes are low, welfare rolls have disappeared - yet black people are still being scapegoated. Rural white Americans - it is not our fault your lives suck.

Count the motherfucking clauses in that sentence. Forget the horrifying shit show that was the topic, any editor who let that damn clusterfuck out the door should be fired on the spot for that alone.

It really says a lot about the Mannings that they thought it was a good idea to go after this woman in the book “they wrote”. Ignore the incident, acknowledge it in anodyne terms, whatever, but even setting aside the subsequent harassment of sending material to her new employers, why would they go in for a little

Then your alma mater shouldn’t have brought in 18 year olds who think it is okay to teabag people. And your alma mater should have given enough of an education to that person so they are smart enough to follow court settlements and keep their mouth shut. It’s absolutely your schools fault that a guy who went there

Maybe you could demand your alma mater take responsibility for it’s shitty reputation? Y’know instead of whining the others guys are doing it too. Jesus Christ, football is a fucking plight.

I ... what is the relevance of the color of her skin or who she dated?

Gibbs was fired only after a male student saw him photographing a nude female student.

See, I just rewatched Working Girl a few weeks ago, and based my comment on that experience. I'm not any kind of informed film critic, but to my untrained eyes her performance appeared shallow and one-dimensional. I get that it was 80's pap and not haute cinema, but she stood out in a bad way.

I know this sounds a little like “why don’t you think of the men involved for once”, but really Planned Parenthood is good for everybody who is poor and wants to have safe sex. When I was a promiscuous-and-penniless student, I was able to go to Planned Parenthood for STI screenings and condoms.

Men who don’t like women don’t like when they talk.


Witch jokes aside, it sounds like this warlock/general asshole dude is behaving really badly here and I hope the harassment stops.

Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,

Granted, this is referring to the US and not the UK.

To my dear Mexican-American brothers and sisters in Texas,

I take my coffee like I take my women. Ground up, Peruvian, and in the freez—