WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

That whole narrative—that being groped or otherwise touched in a sexual way without consent is “just” that—plays such a large and detrimental role, imo. It makes girls, women, and other victims question their own assessment of whether or not a thing was okay. It’s gaslighting: “you think you feel violated but you

but but but

Because nothing bad ever happened under “never meant to hurt anyone” Amirite?

People are jumping all over Kara, me and others who were able to recognize this trick for being the fraud she is. All the time, they have yet to address how dangerous and horrible her deception is. Black women are among the most marginalized, mistreated and both hypervisble/invisible people in this and other countries

To borrow a phrase from a bygone clusterfuck, not so much a grain of salt as a rock of crack. She’s flat-out lied about so many things at this point that there’s no reason to give her the benefit of the doubt on anything, especially stories about her own persecution and victimhood.

Sadly, based on interviews she has given in the past, it sounds like she has had a very rough life. According to Rachel, her parents were abusive, and when she was an adult her parents adopted 3 young black children; around the same time, she began altering her appearance. Also around this same time, she allegedly was

It took a pretty embarrasing amount of time for me to realize that. Now, whenever I hear that -

But there’s one thing, above all else, that you should remember as she gets close to orgasm: do not change what you’re doing in terms of routine and pacing.

Forced birthers definitely want this type of punishment for women. They just can’t say it publicly because then moderates and apoliticals would recognize the forced birther movement for what it is. A bunch of misogynists who don't care about "babies" at all but instead want women to be second class citizens.

Bingo and yet they have the audacity to act shocked and surprised by this. No, this is the result of making abortion as inaccessable and unaffordable as possible. Own your shit, forced birthers. You wanted this, you campaign for this, you have bombed and maimed and killed for this. Own your shit.

Medically speaking, the fact that the premature infant (not technically a fetus) was alive for a few minutes after birth is unsurprising and shouldn’t make this more criminal than any other late term abortion. At 5.5 months, the heart is well-developed; the lungs, not so much. This delivery would only have been viable

No. This will always happen. You can’t 100% fool proof society against all of the messiness implied by human bodies and what human bodies do. You can reduce the chances of women ending up in these situations. But you can’t totally prevent them. That’s why we need to affirm, as a society, that women are more important


I don’t speak for all trans people but for me before I transitioned and the immediate period after I was focused mostly upon appearance. I thought, yes, I have permission now to wear this pretty outfit or makeup.

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

Because he’s black. And he made healthcare available for poor people.

My fave support for this theory is eye color (book eye color, tv eye color doesn’t follow exactly): Jon Snow and Arya are the only two of Ned’s kids who have the Stark grey eyes, the rest have Tully eyes instead, this proportion suggests that Grey eyes are recessive when compared to brown/tully eyes. Targaryen eyes

I’m still holding out for the Jon Snow being half Targaryen theory

If we don’t get a hardboiled noir quest from this place, I’m going to be disappointed. A post apocalyptic detective story would be awesome.