WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

Every word of your post sounds like the opening scene in a David Lynch movie. All it needs is Ryan Gosling as a troubled cop, here to ask about the fresh bodies with sewn-on goat heads dug up at the refinery when they started expansion. The hostess, an ageless woman with circular scars above her eyes, will force him

If you think about it, any story about food is the beginning of a poop story.

Jesus, each of these stories should have ended with a scalding bowl of soup to the dick for the men involved.

Actually it’s about ethics in games journalism.


“Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh. We should not be shocked that this occurred in the Duggar’s home, we should rather be thankful to God if we have been spared such, and pray

First she only pushes him off, and then it’s exactly one whack per approach, increasing in whack-force as he becomes more threatening.

Rest assured, the L&O:SVU writers are already on the final draft of the script after three rounds of Tragedy MadLibs.

This is dating myself but... when I was 10 years old my mother moved us from Philly to Westwood Ca. (a whole ‘nother story but it was actually a case of custodial interference.) Our neighbor in in the Melrose place looking complex was Barbara Barry. She played Gavin Mcleod’s wife on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”. She

John Goodman totally would be at the top of my “there’s no way he’s an asshole celeb” list.

NO! Seems perfect for the Red Dragon. I love it. And you have reminded me that I once saw Woody Harrelson get kicked out of the CC Club, because he wouldn’t wear shoes. The bouncer was like “I don’t give a fuck if you are Woody Harrelson, you have to wear shoes, DICK!” And another time Lindsay Lohan was bounced from

That is not okay. Interfering with coffee should be a felony.

Yeah, he seemed really happy when I brought up his other work, rather than LoTR. Those poor bastards were so sick of questions about that franchise. I seriously wish I had gotten his email address (everything had gone thru other people in planning), so I could email him like a big fangirl and gush over Deadwood. He

When I was in LA I accidentally bumped into Jerry Seinfeld. I said, ‘whoops, sorry about that’ and smiled, as you do when you occasionally bump into someone on a crowded lot. He went into a tirade, screaming ‘do you know who I am? You f***ing c***!’ He saw my hearing aid and started shouting even louder ‘are you blind

So very, very jealous of your Jesse L Martin encounter. He is such a crazily beautiful man... and that VOICE!

Blindfold and earmuffs. With glitter. I look stunning.

True enough. But rather anticlimactic now. Heh.


It was a typical night out at the bars in Minneapolis & was having a great time talking to a really nice guy. In the middle of a sentence, Josh Hartnett bounds up to the guy and drags him away while shouting, “No. Beer googles, dude. No. Beer goggles. Beer goggles. No. No. No. No. Take off your beer goggles. No. No.

Babies and toddlers are disgusting creatures who are probably the main source of such human filth. They are constantly leaking one kind of bodily excrement or another and will happily eat from an unwashed pet dish because they and the animal are best friends. They will play with random animal poop found in play-area