WhoopingCough Hates Kinja

Texas...why do you have to make it so easy to hate you? Between this & that disgusting prison story earlier you’re reeeeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy pushing it. For a people who bash sharia law & restrictive Islamic cultures you sure seem to think the same. I have a feeling you think you’re some kind of moral beacon. A bastion

Pro tip- if your takeaway from this awful story is to make it all about your own personal hurt dudefeels...you might not actually be as “nice” as you think you are.

God I hate it when people are loud-drunk on the train. I’ve never had a real problem and usually I’m just afraid they’re going to barf everywhere, but it’s always kind of like, what if he singles me/my friends out for some reason and tries to start a conversation that escalates into slurs. Obviously you can get up and

How come bitches don’t have any respect for Ethics In Knife Skills? It’s not always about you, cunts.

Next time a man rolls his eyes at me about feeling threatened, I’m going to send them this link. Dear men: don’t blame women for being leery of speaking to you in public; blame the assholes who taught them that was necessary.

“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them”

Single parenthood really isn’t stigmatized for men, first of all. We demonize single mothers, but we treat single fathers like heroes.

When you can change how dangerous and uncomfortable pregnancy and childbirth can be, then we can begin to have a conversation about this. Until then, you don’t get to make my medical decisions for me.

By his logic, I can just void his birth certificate and get him kicked out of the country, right? Because who cares if they determined on paper that he was born here, why should that determine whether or not he gets to stay?

“I’d rather people just judged me on my personality and my character than by the fact that I get off on torturing animals to death,” he said.

That flagged me too. No, I see no evidence that they were perverts. Tracey is the one who knows it, so I believe her.

If we count the bodies attributed to Christ, vs the bodies attributed to Satan, Satan is downright peaceful.

Wait, religious freedom means all religious freedom? The GOP in Missouri is going to be shitting bricks over this.

to be quite frank, if I’m going by the actions of their followers, Satan seems like a way cooler guy than Jesus.

Same here. Once, I thought he was the future of filmmaking. Turns out, he just wants to be Guy Fieri.

. . . Dexter?

Me too. I’m fine with my beer belly and big thighs but my chin fat pisses me right off. I would absolutely try this. Fix armpit flab next, science!

“For them, a wife is a reflection ON you, while a daughter is an extension OF you.”

I can't believe I missed the original thread. Here are a few of my mom's gems. One thing that is necessary to know about her is that she was raised a rather sheltered Mormon and managed to make it through most of adulthood as the same, despite spending the first 4 years of her marriage in Eugene, Oregon in the early

Once I took my mother in so she could have a day surgery performed. We were sitting in that pre op room and she was sitting in a wheel chair. Unbeknownst to me they had already given her her pre surgery cocktail. The nurse came in and put this foil looking space bonnet on her head. We sat there in silence for a moment