
seriously, fuck this Kinja HARD

Man, FUCK this Kinja

When I see Armie Hammer in something my first thought is wondering why he gets all the roles and his brother doesn’t seem to work much, and my second thought is I’m an idiot.

The Ashmores played twin brothers in an episode of Fringe once.

I know, which is why I didn’t mention Hamilton, even though her sister did some double work in Terminator 2, when the T-1000 mimicked Sarah Connor, and there is Laverne Cox’s Twin brother, who played her pre-transition on Orange is the New Black, which was really cool. Tom Hanks’ brother is another one that does some

And to think all it took was 20 years of a clear pattern of continuous sexual harassment and abuse.

We all know where this is going so I’ll start:


Man from UNCLE is such a wonderfully underrated movie. It also provides rare evidence that Henry Cavil and Armie Hammer are both secretly charming actors in search of the right material.

1. I honestly don’t know, which is a problem

Is there a way for staff accounts to be distinguished from the commentariat at large? I don’t know about anybody else, but I always liked seeing you guys interact with the community at large in a visible and obvious way.

The decline of the commentary on this site is because this site is now a complete mess. It may be the case that every Disqus comment actually has been ported over to Kinja, but Kinja is so shitty that it’s pretty much impossible to tell if this is actually true.

Thanks! With enough hard work from the (unpaid) users this site might eventually be salvageable. The fact that this work is being done by fans and not staff is mind-blowing.

Are you looking in your account’s “Posts” rather than “Discussions”? I got confused by that, I guess “Posts” are blog posts and “Discussions” are the actual comments. Even if that’s not the problem, all is not lost, the comments still exist and you can log into your Disqus account and/or find your Disqus account’s

Going back won’t happen. Kinja’s the company-owned backend for all Gizmodo sites. We’re stuck with it.

I was pretty dismissive of all the people saying the move was gonna make the site suck. I never even liked Disqus. This new website however sucks. I don’t understand the layout and the way the articles are presented (the titles even look more clickbait-y then they used to) and there is all this other crap I never

More likely they fired the person protesting most loudly against the changes.

There is now Kinjamprove for Firefox:

The commenting system is still clunky and not user-friendly and very unfun.

Kind of bummed that so many people didn’t like it. I thought it was disappointing, too, but I just thought they needed more episodes to flesh out stuff. Obviously, they had 13 eps, but I’m really concerned that the show has a hard time balancing Rogen and Goldberg’s taste and Caitlin’s shtick. Rogen, from past work,

The actor was really good at mimicking Jesse’s mannerisms, though. That was some good casting.