
The Ashmores played twin brothers in an episode of Fringe once.

Yeah, that’d be nice. But it doesn’t really look as if our new corporate overlords care much about the AVClub or its user base, and as the matter stands, many members of the commentariat seem to have voted with their feet already.

To be fair, I don’t think the AVClub had much say in this. And they do seem to be fiddling with trying to improve the site, so maybe there’s hope. But it’s certainly pretty damn awful right now.

Present and correct. Well, as correct as ever, so not very. But I’m here.

I’m not entirely sure the existence of one more absurdly un-self-aware douchebro merits this level of attention.. What next, GJI, “Penguin seen waddling in the Antarctic”?

> Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.

even more useless than I realized

I don’t think those notifications update without you reloading the page anyway.

> I created a Kinja account but was not prompted to login via any service, nor was I prompted to create a kinja password.

> what order are the comments in?

On second thoughts, I’m really quite glad I created a new Twitter account for this, because apparently Kinja is allowed to read from and write to my Twitter feed.

Yeah, this... really doesn’t do what you’d expect it to do.

I have no idea. I love the Avocado and am very glad it exists, but the open threads are like some kind of stream-of-consciousness maelstrom. I sometimes take a quick look and then leave very swiftly.

I read that as "personally and professionally arrested". Which works fine for me.

Hannibal, obviously.

Yes! Which is why I would definitely throw him off a cliff sooner or later.

That doesn't seem entirely unreasonable to me. I mean, have you seen these people?

I know you already think I'm irredeemably misguided, so I may as well confess outright: *coughs* I don't like sitcoms. Other than the good seasons of Blackadder, anything that bills itself explicitly as a comedy has me running for the hills.

Exactly. That guy you're going to wonder for the rest of your life why you bothered with him.

It's just the impression I get from a few interviews I've seen. (As an actor, I've only seen him in Guardians, where he's great, and a few trailers for movies I instantly lost all interest in).