
To be half serious for a moment, I think that's exactly why I dislike him so much. Oodles of calculated charm.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel I'd end up killing him within the week anyway. May as well get it out of the way upfront and casually date Chris Pine for 6-8 months instead.

You seem to have got the top two mixed up. Easy mistake to make.

Sure, technically he may be the best Chris. But in terms of charm? No way.

Chris Hemsworth may not be able to resist Pratt's charms, but the AVOCADO's recent Fuck, Marry, Kill featuring the Marvel Chrisses was unanimous in tossing Pratt off the cliff. C'mon, Thor, you can do better.

As a non-American, I was wondering if there was a point in going there a lot, to give them lots and lots more data to sift through should they get their hands on it. But they'll just be able to filter it by date anyway, so no point.

Keep planning. You give up, the shithead wins. Plus, maybe you won't be dead, and then you can have a lovely wedding.

Congratulations! You're an inspiration and a wonder.

Thank you! (And DRC!)

@avclub-c2f1c4ca8c389f37c0d3c838bb27ef25:disqus posted an AVOCADO primer just the other day!

Why thank you! You should also join us at the Avocado, though, if you haven't already. I can't handle the open threads, myself, but there's lots of other good stuff and good people there.

Good luck nonetheless.

I'm so sorry. Losing a furry (toothy, clawy) friend like that is awful.

Thank you! I really appreciate it.

(Ummm… *shuffles uncomfortably*… you said I could remind you about the gender thing when registering for the TIF…)

I've only seen the pilot (watched last year or whenever it was it went up); I thought it was all rather overwrought. But I'll probably watch it at some point.

That randomly happened to me a while back too. I'm way too boring to get banned, so I tried deleting cookies, which I seem to recall helped. Or maybe I just randomly got unbanned again, who knows.

Happy birthday!

One could also take the point of view that at least they won't be making things worse while they're on holiday…

Man, I'm so envious of your Iceland trip, that sounds fantastic. Even if the return was depressing.