Low Information Boater

The burden of proof is put upon the victim and there’s often a bias toward innocence,

LAWYER: You can never go back to Brazil.
Lochte: Man, but I really enjoyed Europe!

Omarosa begs the question: What in the holy hell did Michael Clark-Duncan see in her?

“Burnett likes to say that he ‘makes a picture’ instead of ‘takes a picture.’”

Differential includes acute floor magnetism and spontaneous mullet implosion

What a fucking shit this woman is.

Well...I guess CrossFit is better than ISIL, but don’t make me say it twice.

Counterpoint: Tandoori Chicken

Parts of the chicken, ranked:

How is wing formed? How Chicken get pragnent?

I love it when I learn that individuals who are funny/loud/outgoing, like Amy Schumer, are actually introverts. I am like this. When I am “on,” I can be the total life of the party and genuinely enjoy it, but I’m going to need like 3 days alone in the woods (just kidding, bugs are gross; please drop me off at the

Seems like he was in denial.

I bet the Egyptian would have felt a more inclusive spirit if he were matched up against And Sasson.

Seems a little weird/creepy to me.

When he was with us in Milwaukee it was amazing. Some of the most fun I’ve had watching baseball. He was one of those players that is such a stand out that you’ll pull for him for his entire career regardless of the team he’s on. Sorry to see him go.

That is worse than being Rickrolled.

Fun fact, she was arrested for shoplifting and was collecting unemployment benefits while working for the Ted Cruz senate campaign. Trump is only going to hire best people!

It’s been my personal experience that those types of combat roles discount literally everyone until you prove you can hang.