Low Information Boater

Hopy crap! In the Navy we used blue plastic guns for training scenarios! You should never point a real firearm at anyone even unloaded in training! That is twhat those blue plastic weapons are for so you know you are safe. So that Cop actually pointed a gun at her and instead of saying “bang” he pulled the trigger!

Wow, Trump’s followers don’t waste any time. Poor lady and any other remaining Hillary lookalikes out there.

I am certain that he let up in the semifinal with the aim of being in the next lane to le Clos in the final, thus making the revenge that much sweeter.

thats adorable that he calls her Gam Gam and that she is his BFF.

I think a lot of that mindset is cultural. I’m Mexican and it’s the norm to have grandma watch the kids for next to nothing while we go off to work. I don’t live near family and when I discussed daycare options for my child with my mom she was taken aback by it, as if it was an outlandish idea to take my child to

If you crate train the kid well enough, then you’ll only need someone to stop by to let them out once a day while you’re at work for the first few months. After that, they should be ok to be left alone all day without needing to go out!

I loved Taran Killam as Jebidiah Atkinson. (This gif is about Charlie Brown and Peanuts.)

The Sporting News just published a pretty righteous take-down of this “forgettable SportsCenter anchor,” too. The whole thing is worth a read, IMHO, but this is the best part:

My family tells one about me that they think is HILARIOUS, but I’m still indignant about.

No dude, it was a Challenger, not a Mustang

Pictured - the ‘supercharger’

“185k mile turbo Volvo for $6500? Sounds like a good investment.” - Guy who bought Enron stock in late 2001, claiming “It’s gonna turn around any day now”

People who write See ID on the signature line and get pissy when you ask for ID are the worst.

When I worked in a theme park I was told not to say "your card is declined" because guest service or something, so I would say their cards ran out of magic, which would only confuse and piss them off more.

I legitimately was like WHO is that? Did not recogonize her at ALL

Hey, Texas. Abortions are a medical procedure. Medical waste is disposed of by incineration. If you know of a hospital or medical office that is "grinding and discharging into a sanitary sewer system" any of their medical waste, you need to investigate, fine, and possibly shut them down. If that is not the law in

Dear old guy,

I’m imagining miniature funerals, with caskets the size of your thumb. Buried in tiny little graves with popsicle sticks as the tombstones.
