Low Information Boater

Seems like he was in denial.

I bet the Egyptian would have felt a more inclusive spirit if he were matched up against And Sasson.

Seems a little weird/creepy to me.

So, I just need to live in water just barely above freezing, move at a glacial pace and grow very slowly. I’m putting this next to calorie restriction in the drawer of brilliant ideas that probably won’t translate to humans very well.

When he was with us in Milwaukee it was amazing. Some of the most fun I’ve had watching baseball. He was one of those players that is such a stand out that you’ll pull for him for his entire career regardless of the team he’s on. Sorry to see him go.

That is worse than being Rickrolled.

Fun fact, she was arrested for shoplifting and was collecting unemployment benefits while working for the Ted Cruz senate campaign. Trump is only going to hire best people!

Been hearing this more and more lately. And I totally agree. Deadpool really did it right. Lower the stakes, focus on a few characters and tell a good story.

It’s been my personal experience that those types of combat roles discount literally everyone until you prove you can hang.

I have an idea to make blockbusters more profitable-

It is the owner’s responsibility to pay attention to signage and make sure their “sovereign property” is parked within the rules of the location they have moved it to over which they do not bear control.

You are using roadways and parking spaces which you do not own, so you follow their rules, same as a ship in a

You know what else I love? Not paying my employees minimum wage or overtime, putting them in dangerous situations in violation of OSHA requirements, and then dumping toxic by products from my factory into the river.

Hopy crap! In the Navy we used blue plastic guns for training scenarios! You should never point a real firearm at anyone even unloaded in training! That is twhat those blue plastic weapons are for so you know you are safe. So that Cop actually pointed a gun at her and instead of saying “bang” he pulled the trigger!

Wow, Trump’s followers don’t waste any time. Poor lady and any other remaining Hillary lookalikes out there.

I am certain that he let up in the semifinal with the aim of being in the next lane to le Clos in the final, thus making the revenge that much sweeter.

thats adorable that he calls her Gam Gam and that she is his BFF.

I think a lot of that mindset is cultural. I’m Mexican and it’s the norm to have grandma watch the kids for next to nothing while we go off to work. I don’t live near family and when I discussed daycare options for my child with my mom she was taken aback by it, as if it was an outlandish idea to take my child to

If you crate train the kid well enough, then you’ll only need someone to stop by to let them out once a day while you’re at work for the first few months. After that, they should be ok to be left alone all day without needing to go out!

I loved Taran Killam as Jebidiah Atkinson. (This gif is about Charlie Brown and Peanuts.)