Low Information Boater

I wonder if people like her have any awereness of how demented they sound when they say shit like this.

Seriously, this just makes it sounds like Ayer is a shit director who doesn’t trust his actors to actually do their jobs.

Mayers’ bathroom break strategy caught up to her once she took the job at Yahoo! as she immediately proceeded to shit all over it.

Ben Affleck: “Yeah, Zack Snyder really wanted me to understand Bruce Wayne on a personal level. So one day, I walk onto set and... this was really funny... he had invited my parents down to do a set visit. They toured the set a little bit, met with the rest of the cast, and Snyder showed them some of the dailies that

dumpster diving at its finest

Part of his manipulation was to change what was happening in a scene without telling one party. Viola Davis called Joel Kinnaman a “pussy” and a “bitch” to get the reaction he wanted. “Some of the stuff she said really pissed me off. And I felt really betrayed,” Kinnaman told Entertainment Weekly. “And that’s exactly

When decades of “government is the problem” rhetoric, combined with virulent anti-intellectualism, combined with worship of business enterprise above social good, combined with continual stoking of racist, sexist, xenophobic fear and hatred all finally coalesce into the puffed-up tangerine spectre of Donald Trump—the

He was married to a black woman, so unless he was living out some weird slaver fantasy, he’s not a conventional racist. I’d agree that he doesn’t “get” institutional racism, but he’s...well...complicated. I just can’t wrap my head around this guy. Sometimes he seems racist, sometimes not. I think he’s probably decent

I forgot how smoking hot Sloane Peterson was

4 minutes? tl;dd.

Small sensor in the P900 gives you more magnification for lenses that would otherwise be just a telephoto with a full-frame camera. Your Celestron would be considered full-frame so it needs to be bigger and to get the aperture you have it needs to be wider. Your 1500mm telescope would be crazy with the P900 sensor.


Whenever I’m fighting with my boyfriend I think of Long Ride Home by Patty Griffin.

which features Martellus saying that “NFL” stands for “Niggers For Lease”

You mean the US is abiding by the negotiation we struck with Iran to stop them from creating a nuclear weapon by paying them back for military equipment we never delivered? Since when has paying our debts a crime? If you ask me it is a small price to pay to improve peace in the middle east.

I really hate Jonah Hill. He is terribly unfunny and a shitty actor and not endearing at all because he comes across as horribly insincere. I really don’t like him.

They’re awesome and you get to lie to yourself and say the oatmeal and raisins make them healthy so you can eat twice as many!

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

This one is only slightly outrageous, wait until four ballparks from now when it’s called Elysium and only the ultra-rich, who are now little more than energy mists, can attend in 9 million quatloo luxury boxes.