You raw-doggin sons of bitches, you!
You raw-doggin sons of bitches, you!
Hitler with the master plan dating back to the 1896 Athens games
Nobody in Minnesota gives a shit about college football
Well, if he studied history, Shiloh would learn that fighting the men in blue is a losing battle.
Forget it, EagleEyedTiger. Croquemonsieur’s whole shtick is pretending(?) to be a hyper-literal ‘bad kinja’ commenter. I think it’s anti-humor, but it’s usually so vanilla that it doesn’t elevate to satire or funny, just more of a knowing regurgitation of what dumb people say.
Why are IOC Directors dressed as Brazilian Police Officers?
Shoutout to Captain Harteau from the MPD who told the Federation union leader Bob Kroll to take his fucking uniform off when he spouts off at the mouth about the women who play basketball in our city. The four cops who walked out of the arena because of the Lynx’s t-shirts can kick multiple rocks, too.
Yeah, what a terrible human being — smoking weed! He’s like Hitler and bin Laden rolled into one.
He needs to get back on the field, where they can give him some good old fashioned addictive painkillers.
Lemme get this straight, there is more than one team?
I get it, they don’t want controversy to distract viewers from compelling WNBA storylines like “Which two teams are these again?” and “Is that point guard the one I heard about in college in 2009? No? Ok nevermind.”
“keeping these is bad but replacing them is hard so lets just keep them” is a position i always like my politicians to have tbh
Not just “kind of”. She does.
ok but
“Homeschooling doesn’t *make* one socially awkward. You either are or you’re not”
This is not even close to accurate. There isn’t an innate unchangable level of social awkwardness. Kids end up socially awkward because they don’t get the experience necessary to learn how to navigate social interactions with peers. For…
Of course drinking a bud would be a poor choice in WI as well.
Standard reply - “Well, some of us have been around long enough to know that just belaboring a point with obvious and cliched metaphors does not make one an artist. It just makes one an enabler of insufferable film students.”
He peaked with Thin Red Line. Admittedly, a really high peak.
“Should I study and get smarter, or should I go hit people in the face?”
él es tan pobre que lo único que tiene, es dinero