There’s only one video for Sledgehammer.
There’s only one video for Sledgehammer.
Armchair psychologist here, but I’m pretty sure this guy has some severely unresolved emotional and mental issues.
Exactly. You knew, anyone talking about “Every Marine is a rifleman” wasn’t.
That is the saddest peace sign I have ever seen. It makes peace look unappealing.
The benefits of having a robot brain in a real-world fighter jet are obvious. A computer doesn’t get fatigued. It doesn’t get a case of the Mondays. It doesn’t have personal problems to bring to work and it doesn’t have its own set of morals that might interfere with its interpretation of orders.
Seriously. The only reason the media, including Gawker, is going to beat the drum of any poll that shows Trump doing well is because they need to maintain the image of a horse race, just as they did in 2012 where it was obvious Romney wasn’t winning. BUT, I am still afraid of a Trump win.
Old person here. I don’t get You Tube “stars”. I can't imagine sitting at my computer watching random people do shit
Editorial recommendation: All instances of the oxymoron “YouTube Star” should be replaced with the more accurately descriptive, “some dick on the internet.”
At least Erdely has recognized the need to retire from public life for a while. The same cannot be said of the blogger who so virulently attacked commenters for pointing out what turned out to be the major flaws in Erdely’s reportage. The mass predation of men upon women is at the heart of so many societal ills, and…
Ew. God. Look at those people. They are awful. Without the article or the headline that’s apparent. And then it is so much worse than you expect just by looking at them. And you expect them to be pretty gross.
Pretty sure that eating plants that you’re unfamiliar with is a big no-no. I think eating mystery plants would easily fall under ego and incompetence.
Alfredo sauces can be more healthy if you make them yourself. Much of the cream can be replaced with starchy water from the pasta itself.
Just to be clear: Pat Summit, Muhammad Ali and Buddy Ryan are dead, but Skip Bayless is totally fine.
I like going to (old) people’s houses and removing Fox News from their channel lineups and then having them get incensed that their cable system dropped it.
Frances Bean Cobain has been married and divorced already?!?
Wino forever
So your ‘88 Sentra wouldn't start again this morning?