Lead boyfriend of Lena Dunham.
Lead boyfriend of Lena Dunham.
You can probably take “allegedly” out of the title.
Anyplace in UK city council:
That last bit is a standard weekend for a Quantico Marine.
Whenever there is one and it’s in working order.
Not content with only offending American Indians, Dan Snyder actually employs a Cooley to do his heavy lifting.
I dunno, it depends on where it’s playing. The quality of the Theater should play into your decision. Also, are you buying tickets from the box office, or third party? So many questions really, there's no good way to answer this based on the information you've presented.
I like how “hitting back” at those who pointed out her thirstiness basically amounts to calling someone *gasp* less famous, accusing one of trying to date her, and another of wanting to be her friend. This is some middle school dumb girl shit.
Whenever I’m not drinking I follow the same process I learned when people ask me why I don’t have more kids. Just start with, “Well, ever since the cancer....” and slowly trail off.
Works...Like some of the time.
This is all excellent advice, but it boils down sociologically to:
“Another piece of evidence of why migration of violent, oafish, addlepated, lumbering Swedes should be severely curtailed.” — Sons of Norway press release
Eh, I get your point, but nobody said that about Bush in 2000. Remember, 9/11 hadn’t happened yet. The argument against him, at the time, was that he was an unqualified, unserious, culturally retrograde doofus running against the sitting Vice President.
Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.
Considering Wasserman has tried every dirty trick this primary season short of hiring newsboys to draw Hitler mustaches on every front page picture of Bernie, I am not surprised she’ll back anyone who gives her money that’s green.
Good call. Your joke was better.
Jamri Traylor Destroys A Man’s Constitution With Alley-Oop Dunk
I’ve never flown El Al, but I’m 1000% certain that if I had ever delayed a flight by refusing to sit in my assigned seat, any airline I’ve ever flown would have responded by getting my ass off the plane to let rational people get to their destinations. They need to stop accommodating bigots.