Low Information Boater

Lol Kevin Garnett is a fake tough guy

I think Chrissy is a lot of fun, but this is fair. She DOES poop, sit in it, then ask, “Wait, why is there poop on me?”

I heard they say about the CH-53: “Don’t worry about an oil leaking CH-53, just worry about a non-oil leaking CH-53, it probably has runned dry... "


The fact that Alicia Vikander is getting a nomination in a movie not named Ex Machina is a shame. That movie got shafted at the awards this year :(

Or, you could just go through your card statement. You know, like a normal person would?

I have this horrible reaction to some people (just a few) where I just don’t like their faces. It’s shallow and mean and based on nothing, NOTHING but superficiality. Renee Zellweger? Don’t like her face. Those twins on that Disney Show where they live in a hotel (?). Don’t like their faces. The Property Brothers?

Regional differences in the rules of Knifey-Spoony often lead to fisticuffs.

Actually, no, it wasn’t about effort. Papelbon was annoyed at Harper’s comments after he tried to bean Machado.

Some people are good at making money, some people make great art, I’m good at at sniffing out a somewhat appropriate gif from a mile away. Now if only I could monetize that...

Well, in Tavarish’s defense… he’s an idiot.

From a strictly scientific standpoint, it is an interesting question.

“Naturopathy” is an absurdly lucrative scam. People will pay top-dollar for nothing but assurances and some sugar pills.

Jeb Bush is best known for his fadeaway.

“From mid-range, 10-15 feet he could kill you.”

Old man has old man game. I bet he “accidentally” trips people all the time, too.

Usually only Malaysian pilots can produce that type of swerve and dip.

I bet it cost more than 1500 dollars to deploy seven U.S. Marshalls. for an hour or two.

Rousey went on to say that she wants her next fight to be a rematch with Holm.

Jet Fuel Can’t Melt Steel Beams