Low Information Boater

“I have no right to accept censorship.” I mean, I know what these words mean individually, but piled up like this, they have no meaning at all

Your first sentence is factually incorrect. Censorship is the suppression of speech in any form. You are confusing the broad term “censorship” with the rights granted under the First Amendment. Now whether and to what degree a private network should censor its people, that is a complex question, though in most cases

What man’s noble spirit is not embiggened by these words?

Caity Weaver is such a good writer. This interview is hilarious but also super unsettling.

Et tu, Moute?

Well, it’s right next to his number, so “1 week...” as in “1 Week Until Pitchers and Catchers Report” I presume?

The one where my pay has increased 34% since his second term. The one where the unemployment rate is sub 5%. The one where my city is booming. The one where my friends are buying houses and getting out of credit card debt instead of pondering going to grad school because there weren’t any jobs. The one where I don’t

Me too. I thought it was gonna be like, but he’s been deployed in Afghanistan for the last 12months.

I prefer to find out about pregnancy the old fashioned way, in the middle of excruciating labor in a deserted alley way, as punishment for my sins of the flesh.

“The indictment also said Tucker’s businesses failed to obtain licenses to operate in any of the states where licenses for that sort of thing are required.”

Reminds me of this.

In Whiteside’s defense, he figured that since his elbow was imbued with neither fire nor magic Marjanovic would regenerate any damage in a few seconds and as the saying goes “no harm, no foul”.

That’s not how treasury bills work.

I’ve seen VGS and Pennywise in the last year. Still great!

3 Murphys concerts and counting.

I was into them after the 90's...judge me

I saw Murder City Devils about two weeks ago. Such a great band.

Damn Wolfmother was some great rock n roll.

I was on an LHD in similar seas. We called it Tuesday.