Who Beefed?

In a fun twist, all the complaining that trolls have done about women starring as made-up scientists has increased awareness of the film beyond what any publicity campaign could have, driving up the film’s profile and ticket sales.

Their religion? The belief that they’ll be rewarded in the afterlife for being martyrs? I think that answers that question.

I think he might've been joking?

Now playing

I get that Frank Ocean probably isn’t a big Cure fan but it seems really odd to name your album the same thing as a different very popular album.

Also I love The Cure, that album is the soundtrack to my teenage angst

But in judging L, you are judging by appearances. Well, Drowning is, at least. You don’t even have an appearance to go on, just Drowning’s account. You don’t know L’s situation. Neither does Drowning. All you are going on is a second-hand account related by a pretty flawed observer who is judging her appearance

She’s going down a path she shouldn’t be.

Does anyone else think that the man in this photo looks like a cardboard cutout?

Wait so the Nat Geo cover “hurts your soul” but simple-minded reactionary hot takes like yours are what, soul-affirming?!

...aaaand here we have some Peak Jezebel today. (one million bonus points for repeatedly resp0nding to yourself.)

Now playing

So dense. So many things going on. Such cosplay. Wow.

People like to pretend that the first Independence Day was a better movie than it actually is. Any charm that it has is rooted deeply in nostalgia.

The Original Independence Day sucked balls! You guys have nostalgia goggles on. SUCKED BALLS!!! just like full house.

You are obviously a white male with no sense of humor.

Cho talks about her challenges as a comedian in Korean culture

Myabe he should just lya low for now and let Lebron and the Cavs have their dya.

Wyh this now, Dwyane?

She did not beat Phelps... She got faster on the last 50m of a 400m race than the men, who at the time the winner was Ryan Lochte (28.93 vs 29.10). Over the whole race, she was still 26 sec slower than the men. (4:31.73 vs 4:05.18)

I 100% guarantee that this is a made up story. It's not even a good made up story.

Well... If you are gaming on Windows you probably upgraded to Windows 10 a long time ago because you want the best performance you can get... The sticking to Windows 7 people are mostly just this system generation’s version of the XP is good enough for me and no one can make me change crowd.

aggro douchebag misogynist...and I stopped reading right here.